
Zbrah #fundie digg.com

<<On Dinesh D'Souza's article "Where is Atheism When Bad Things Happen?">>

Let me first say that I'm a conservative(but not a Bush supporter) and a Christian.I just am wondering why the atheists care at all about what happened at VA. Tech?Let me preface by saying that I obviously realize that you do care,sincerely.But my question is how you can care if you believe there is no God?Why is there any reason to care about anyone but yourself(and even you is just molecules in motion,with nothing else but chance guiding what you do...which is,by the way,absurd in my opinion)?Why is there any reason for you to feel compasion on those beings that happen to be a part of your same species?Where does your moral obligation to feel anything for anyone come from?Where does love come from?

As already stated,I realize that of course you care about what happened to those people,of course you feel anger towards the madman who did it.My question is what,within your worldview, gives you any reason to "feel" anything?I'm sure there will be many attacks against my faith...but first try and answer this..then I'll answer yours.

ammundsen #homophobia digg.com

Whatever your opinion on the morality of homosexuality, If you take an honest look at history you will find that widespread acceptance of homosexuality has occurred with a general loosening of sexual mores. And this change has occurred at the beginning of the end of a civilization. Obviously homosexual behavior has always occurred. But how society views it is important.

You may want to celebrate homosexuality, but realize it is a bellwether for the end of our civilization.

dle5 #fundie digg.com

[In a Digg comment about a story where a Christian Bus Driver refused to drive a bus with an atheist ad on it]

I'd dress up like Hitler before driving the bus. If you're going to drive a vehicle with atheist propaganda all over it, might as well go all the way and look like a proper atheist.

CoolHandLuke70 #conspiracy digg.com

Here is what I was able to grab from another page and it does not surprise me at all except maybe that the Coke exec did not know enough about fluoride obviously...

A high level Coke exec spilled the beans to me
I feel obliged to pass along this information. While on vacation earlier this month, I stayed next door to a guy who's been in the beverage industry since before I was born. He works for Coke, and ever since Coke bought Vitamin Water, an acquisition he helped initiate, he's been working primarily for Coke's subsidiary Glaceau, the company that makes Vitamin Water. To make a long story short, he told me some damning things about Coke, Diet Coke, Vitamin Water, and the beverage industry as a whole. One night the combination of guilt, too much wine, and the ***** attitude of the South Pacific led him to really spill the beans. In a nutshell, here's what he said:

1. The introduction of New Coke back in the 80's was intended to fail. The real reason New Coke was introduced was to function as a subterfuge and allow time for the changing of Coke's original recipe from including cane sugar to corn syrup. Coke knew that if they simply switched from cane sugar to corn syrup, there would be a public outcry, but if they switched to corn syrup after New Coke, the public would welcome the change back to the near-original formula. It worked. Coke switched to corn syrup without a hitch. Apparently, the only way one can still find Coke with cane sugar and no corn syrup is during Passover (I think). Coke makes a drink called Kosher Coke (can anyone confirm this?) that only uses cane sugar. It's very similar to the old Coke formula.

2. Coke knew all along that the Diet Coke they sent to the troops during the first Gulf War contributed to Gulf War Syndrome. Apparently aspartame breaks down above 80-something degrees. Anyway, when it breaks down it becomes far more poisonous. The pallets of Diet Coke that were sent to the troops sat out in the desert heat, cooking for days, before they were finally chilled and drank by the troops. Similarly, Coke knows about aspartame poisoning, as do many companies, but keeping from the public the dangers of excitotoxins and other chemical additives is a top priority. He said that only the pharmaceutical industry spends more money pushing their poisons. Aspartame is far worse than most people know. I asked about fluoride in Coke, and he says that there is fluoride in Coke products, but not as much as in most cities' tap water, and he didn't believe fluoride is as bad as I thought it was. :glare:

Pitofdoom #fundie digg.com

Creation from the Word of The Most High has nothing to do with religion nor is he religious !

The fiery goo crawls out of it's petri dish shaking it's defiant fist at GOD just before it's darwinian demise.

Science boy Vs. Christ, I'm betting on Christ by tiring to follow some simple laws !

Science boy will not find the "breath of life" HE will find them !!

drulek #fundie digg.com

[In a discussion about a World Net Daily article reporting on McDonald's having a member of their company on the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce board of directors.]

Oh, I see now. McDonalds supports an orgainization with the specific mission to promote the economic growth and prosperity for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Does McDonalds happen to support any organizations with the specific mission to promote the economic growth and prosperity for white male heterosexuals who are Christian? You know ... there is a great deal of economic pain in the WMHC community today ... and a great deal of discrimination against WMHC’s too.

neosinn #fundie digg.com

[In response to photos of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, His holiness.]

wow, not only do you want to say there is no God, but you must make fun of others beliefs as well. So much so you must mock them. Wow i can start to see how Germany turned raciest in a mater of months under the religion of evolution. (check it yourself before you say i don't know what im talking about... or did you not know he was big time into evolution? I can see how the beheadings of Christians will come true in the near future by the people of this country. It's not so much you believe there is no God, it's the fact you must remove all and attack Christian faith. So what's with the fish being attacked? So much truth to it and i don't believe not a one of you even understand how suckered into the religion of evolution you are. FYI. Japan was taken in by evolution in the 30s as well... part of the reason they joined forces with Germany and attacked the USA.

Hey but it's all cool, the jokes are funny and you keep laughing. If i'm wrong nothing really happens after death. If your wrong it's burning in a lake of fire forever. Yea, i'd bet my life on that before studying about it. That's logical.

Have fun

CrazedLeper #fundie digg.com

How ironic that the anniversary is still deemed worth observance considering that this "first shot" missed so wildly. This crackpot theory would never have gotten off the ground if Darwin could have seen inside the cell. It might have humbled him enough to abandon his RACIST *theory* but in the years since, you've all become much to arrogant to admit the truth.

Neverlution is totally impossible. It only works if you have a system already in place and you *want* to view that system solely through the cone of uncertainty.

kenrayd #fundie digg.com

You bet Neaderthals were a separate species; they and other humanoid fossils were a product of genetic engineering amalgamation between apes and humans done by pre-flood scientists to provide slave laborers

Zachiatrist #fundie digg.com

OMG, I think I understand now!!! If I have a Fork and a Spoon, then naturally evolution must be true because I've also seen a SPORK!!!!! That's amazing evidence.

Evolutionists like to assume all the difficult things away by going "Millions of years!!!" The fact of the matter is that in those 4 populations there has to be a step at some point where parents produce offspring (2 of them mind you) that can not reproduce with their parents (not that they'd want to, but you get the point). This is a new species. Obviously I can breed dogs to have different traits like big ears and long legs etc, but still each can interbreed with other dogs despite their new traits. However at some point there must be a MASSIVE leap where a dog gives birth to non dog, and not only that there needs to be two of these non dogs so they can reproduce with each other.

Also explain how we went from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. Good thing the penis and vagina evolved at the same time huh? Man was that lucky!!!!! Oh and not only that, the entire reproductive system behind the scenes has to come in one generation as well otherwise there are no further iterations, no survival of the fittest.

If you want to believe in evolution fine, but don't assume people who don't haven't considered the obvious. Trust me, we've all heard the explanations for evolution, we're not living in caves. It's always made out that we're the ones who don't think and just accept everything we're told when the fact is that we're the ones who have our beliefs constantly challenged and are always forced to think. You're the ones who will accept anything someone with "Scientist" on their resume says.

Sorry if that came off pretty harsh, but do forgive me, I'm a big IDiot after all.

WLindsayWheeler #fundie digg.com

[Responding to an article written by Vox Day]

Woman's suffrage must end. Why the Church is stalling on this regard is beyond me. In the 1870s or thereabouts, the Supreme Court of America said women can't be lawyers. It is time to take back this country. Politics and Law are ONLY for men. Woman's suffrage has got to end. I am in full agreement with the Vox Populi.

Kaffir and john1944 #fundie digg.com

[On a school's pro-gay curriculum that allows no exemptions]

Kaffir: Supt. Paul Ash should have his credentials revoked and then be denied the opportunity to wreck havoc in the lives of any other children. In all of the schools where I've worked it was standard proceedure to first send a parental notification form home for the parents to review and sign. Without the signed parental form, the student would then be allowed to be taken from the room, to work on homework. But, to do what was done at this school is outrageous! This smacks of Nazi/Soviet-style tactics. This is still the U.S.A., not the U.S.S.A. (the Union of Soviet Socialist Americans)!

john1944: Taken out back and beaten half to death is more like it. No 'smart bastard asshole' will EVER tell my kids what they have to learn/hear/believe. It's time for a big slaughter.

brokencrystal #fundie digg.com

[Would you have scientists just stop trying and accept creationism? I'm just curious.]

No, I want the lies of Macro-Evolution out of the textbooks... Just to be fair since they have no evidence for such a belief. They could put evidence (fact) in the middle, then on the left have theory of a unknown designer, and on the right have theory of macro-evolution. Let the students interpret the evidence for themselves and stop telling them how to interpret the data. This is brainwashing when you try to erase the line between the fact and what you believe happened because the thought of a designer is "unthinkable". I am just asking for truth and equality. Admit that macro-evolution is a unprovable and unobservable theory and I will shut up.

LivingHealthy #fundie digg.com

Yeah well; don't ask those dipshit atheists in Frisco running their zoo to hold your dinosaurs. They have one of the larger zoos in the world and all those queers and atheists couldn't figure out an 18 foot wall was only 12 feet tall.

Just like they didn't count on AIDS when they declared the commandment for sexual purity null and void. That's cost them 30 million dead so far with 40 million more sick and gonna die.
Oh yeah their 'atheist wisdom' didn't foresee that 40% of young adult women would be infected with HPV and candidates for more venereal cancers, either.

Oh yeah and that communist Atheism thing didn't work out too well in Russia and the East Bloc either, with shattered lives and 30 million dead.

Oh yeah and those atheists in charge of Maoist communism arent doing too well feeding people poison in food they buy, putting lead in children's toys, and harvesting those human organs out of religious & political prisoners, either.

And what about that Chinese internet? Yeah, that freedom from religion's just rolling right along. Which is why the average worker over there makes about six bucks a day.

Atheists are the most vile and evil scum on the earth and every time one dies I thank the Lord my God Almighty for getting the putrid dipshits off my planet.

LoneRanger85 #fundie #homophobia digg.com

The Bible is very clear about homosexuality. It is an abomination and those who are homosexuals will surely die (not achieve immortality). If you TRULY believe in God and that the Bible is God's word, then you have no option but to heed it. You can't be a cafeteria Christian, consuming what you like and rejecting what you don't. To use a phrase liberals use when they are doing something offensive, "Get over to it." The next time you want to talk about intolerance, let's talk about liberals' intolerance of conservatives.

rtstone #fundie digg.com

Personally, This is what is wrong with this country! This country was founded on a religious base and if you don't believe in God then it is my opinion that you should get out of the USA! Look on our money! There is a reason that it says In God We Trust and that reason is that our founding Fathers left England to come here in search for religious freedom. (Religion being a faith in God not some hokey made up religion based on a Disbelief in God. This would be a contradiction in itself since religion is based on belief not disbelief! ) Look at our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Everywhere you look this country was built on the belief in God! So if you don't believe in God then go back where your ancestors came from!

cababika799 #fundie digg.com

What's amazing about this is that the atheistic/evolution camp is becoming more hostile towards the idea of aternatives being taught in school than theists are of evolution being taught in their schools.
If you read the interview between the Nova correspondant and the intelligent design advocate, you would know that he is not trying to take evolution out of schools. He is simply stating the obvious fact that although the picture looks good overall, the supporting evidence for evolution is full of holes.
He's not saying that anyone shouldn't believe in it. What he is saying is that the supporting evidence is not complete enough to present it that way that most teachers and professors do.
If you want to believe that it took millions of years for all of this stuff to come about then I support you in that. This is the land of the free! But you are depriving schools of the same freedom. A vast amount of Americans want the alternative to Evolution taught along side it. They don't want evolution out of our schools, they just want the professors to be honest with the students about the lack of full evidence.
On the other hand, the evolution camp applauds those teachers who refuse to teach an alternative. Why the double standard? Do unload the "one is proven, one is not" load because you know as well as I do that the theory is simply the best you've come up with, not the ends.

Teddystiltskins #fundie digg.com

You're lame... there are no atheists in foxholes!!! Atheism is a religion just like every other...[...]

I am sure that all who created technology were not atheist. It just becomes a convenient truth for people with the incapacity to deal with their own shortcomings.

Take it from me, I am not that religious!!!

erikfm #fundie digg.com

[In response to a story about a "Free Hugs from Atheists" event being confronted by a preacher who refused to be hugged and condemned them all to Hell]

People should be uncomfortable. Morality doesn't exist without God. The value of human life becomes completely arbitrary. To an atheist there isn't much difference between hugging a person or strangling them to death. It's all about their own self interest.


My morality stems from the Creator. You're amoral behavior system is based on fear of punishment and pain. Nothing is immoral to the atheist if he doesn't get caught on the other hand I abide by morality as I am grateful to God for life and love all of God's creations.


Atheism is a belief system in its own right. Atheists did their best at wiping out other religions.


It is the atheist value system simply doesn't have any meaningful value of human life. It was their atheism that enabled these people to murder millions to achieve their goals.

[...Most of the people on Digg.com] are atheists until graduation. It's part of their manufactured teenage rebellion. Once they grow up, get into the real world, start families, they'll develop a more encompassing belief system than their egotistical, primitive atheism.


To an atheist killing is wrong only if they decide that so for the current moment.


Atheist "morality" is as completely arbitrary as deciding what tshirt to wear that day. Morality requires a subjective, outside observer. Atheists can only be amoral.

PizzaWhore #fundie digg.com

Hell must be overflowing with scientists...

...while you're waiting in line, here's something for you atheists to ponder: even Einstein, one of science's greatest heroes, conceded that there must be a God. I guess most scientists just aren't smart enough to arrive at similar conclusions.

vanzan #fundie digg.com

let's see, atheist got it all figured out it in the last 1000 years, and religion which has been around for 1000's of years was a waste of time!!!

the funniest and most amusing thing is how the earth formed itself through natural selection!!!!

if i told you that my house built itself you'd thing i am crazy, but if an atheist said the earth formed itself (which is 100000 time more complicated than a house) ,,then all of a sudden, that makes sense

bgbs #fundie digg.com

The point is, gentleman, it is understandable it is not possible to convert every person. You deffinately cannot covert those who made up their decision that God doesnt exist. Right now, though, looking at how many people in the world believe in the existence of Super Natural power we can say with confidence that there seems to be more evidence for God's existence than against.

Dont give me this garabage about people being like sheep and they believe anything, cause I can use the same argument aginst atheist. I can say, "How stupid can you be not to see see, sense, hear, smell, touch, reason, his existence" The point is irrevelant because more scientists and more educated people believe in Super Natural then the other way around. So you are not proving anything to anybody if you are being sarcastic about religion.