Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia
The 1973 Roe v Wade high court will forever be stained with the blood of children on its collective hands.
The liberal majority in the 2014 Roberts court will now be labeled with the “C” word—for being cowards. These justices upended American civilization while standing on the sidelines.
Millions of voters in five states were assaulted in the public square, disenfranchised by this court’s decision to not overturn erroneous lower court rulings validating same sex “marriage.” Like Saul during the stoning of Stephen, they became bystanders, nodding their assent as terrible violence was committed.
The “gay” bullies got their way. Truth and morality were trampled but the black-robed bystanders will plead innocence.
The good news is that this, like Roe, is sure to galvanize the conservative base on the issue of homosexuality like nothing has in decades.
“No political momentum on the other side of this issue.” So declared Brit Hume of Fox News on October 6. He was referring to natural marriage advocacy as he reacted to the Supreme Court’s non-decision. I don’t agree with him about the past, but it’s an interesting reaction. The future will be, I predict, an unmistakably renewed fight, as many Americans are rightly furious. Why are we suddenly forced in many states to recognize homosexual unions as genuine marriage? Didn’t we vote on this in thirty- one states?
Roe didn’t change the sanctity of life and current court decisions do not change the truth about sodomy.
But while we are mulling this over, we need to be honest. Our side could deploy better arguments, frankly. I respect those fighting the specific battle against recognition of same sex unions. Yet can’t we revisit the worth of more boldly proclaiming the whole truth, playing our two trump cards: the deviance of homosexual behavior and the lack of evidence for a “gay gene?”
We can already see the rotting “fruits” of the homosexual movement. Despite the eagerness of some “gay Christian” advocates to twist the Lord’s teaching about trees and their good and bad fruits, it’s pretty obvious that what Jesus meant by “good” is following God’s standards. “Bad” would be rebellion against those standards. And where do we imagine homosexuality, the abomination, would fall on this continuum?
Vicious attacks have been launched by the Human Rights Campaign, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others against brave, compassionate, truthful Christian brothers like Peter LaBarbera, Dr. Scott Lively, Dr. Michael Brown and organizations like American Family Association and Family Research Council. Isn’t it obvious, isn’t this revelation enough, that the poison “fruit” of homosexual advocacy is ripening in today’s America, revealing lies and oppression, and it stinks to high heaven?
So going forward, let’s deploy a coordinated strategy involving several fronts in this war that might include, by choice, both a harder and a softer-sell approach. Both are needed to address the entire disease, to treat the primary cancer—homosexual behavior—and its metastasis, fraudulent marriage.