Still Here #fundie

[OP of the thread "Are the men of the German armed forces of WWII the finest assembly of white men ever?"]

The thousands of pictures and accounts I have pored over show me the most handsome, courageous and noble souls I have ever seen or heard of. The sheer overwhelming odds they held steadfast against for time thought impossible. The fine uniforms, weapons and machines they utilized compliment the supreme discipline, determination and skill of the men wielding them.

Not just the Germans either, Scandinavians, Walloons, Flemish, French, Italian, Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Russian men gave their blood that we might have a Europe free of the central banking system and enslavement of Communism.

And they had no reward. After that most bitter of all struggles if they were one of the very lucky ones to survive and escape retribution and capture, they found themselves unwanted, unheralded, tormented and generally everyone would prefer to forget about them, apart from how terrible they were.

If a free white nation ever happens again, then these many millions of brave souls must be commemorated highly for their selfless and hopefully not futile sacrifice.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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