(Part II):
Knowledge annihilates 'Faith'. My knowing - via reading the Bible cover-to-cover in my teens - gave me the intellectual tools to discern that fundie Christain 'beliefs' (fundies relie on the Bible: it does the thinking for them) let those who read such properly [/Isaac Asimov] know that your 'God of Love' is actually more than infinitely evil; indeed: he IS Evil incarnate. Prove me wrong.
And Knowing is half the battle. [/"GI Joe"]
'Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.'
-Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
Lack of Knowledge - being an educationally/intellectually inferior, mentally handicapped herp-a-derp-derp retard fundie such as you - is precisely the reason why the so-called 'Spiritual War' was won before it fucking started. The increasingly secular world is proof that we Atheists are superior to even your so-called 'God': a little matter of all the Challenger IIs, M-1 Abrams, Leclercs, Leopard IIs, Merkavas, T-90s, Type-99s & Pokpung Hos down here, are making sure of that. [/Judges 1:19] [/Kryptonite]. >:D
My, but you're almost becoming like Troll4Life, o Protesting Screwfailure: an intellectually inferior masochist who just loves being argumentally kerbstomped into oblivion by we educationally superior Atheists, thus your depraved need to keep coming back here for more of the same.
Matthew 10:14. Heed it well. Your 'Word of God' orders you to obey it, and your 'Word of God' must always be obeyed to the letter. Prove you're not the 'God-fearing Christian' you claim to be much, if you don't, and show your inferior face here again...?!