shugo332 #racist
In preparation for white genocide and what they think will be the end of the white race.
This is my first post on this site fyi.
With the growing number of anti whites and there influence in our governments, I do fear for the future of the white race. It is ridiculous that they want to get rid of us our benefits clearly out weigh our consequences. We are the biggest innovators, inventors, and creators of a more advanced tomorrow, not to mention by majority opinion were the most attractive race as well.
They think they can just let us invent things then throw us away and keep our inventions for themselves. I say we show these modern age anti whites why the white race lasted this long despite many people of all races being against us. There going to wipe out the most cunning race completely? That's laughable. Now I'm sure you all support the idea of white people going back to Europe, (this is a white nationalist forum) but I'm going to go a little further in depth. We can't just go back to Europe immediately though, ironically European government itself is now anti white, despite it being white peoples original home. So we do need to reform that government to what it was. Also liberalism, socialism, and progressives can not be allowed power in our government there the one's that made this anti white world were in and if given power they'll eventually recreate it. Then European can be a white nationalist nation, that is a long term solution it'll take a quite a while to achieve that. It also doesn't account for invasions and bombing/genocide so that brings me to plan number 2 the near future one.
This one will be the ace up our sleeve it can not fail unless they find all hidden locations that I am about to explain. Plan 2 is we take dna from different white people, from Germans, French, all the different white groups. We stock pile a lot of different peoples dna to, thousands maybe millions of white dna. The locations should be scattered some here some there, that way if some locations are found out they didn't destroy all of them. This way if white genocide does happen assuming there's survivors they can go to the hidden locations and start creating new white babies for the new white generation. Looking at historu genocide has never succeeded in destroying everyone, there's always at least a dozen survivors so I'm sure there will be some whites left to restart our race after white genocide. This plan also serves as a defense against white genocide via forced multiculturalism.
Please don't reply to this saying my plan has holes (of course it does) or my specific idea won't work. I am the thinker not the doer, I do not claim to know how to make this happen nor do I claim to have the resources to pull this off this would have to be a group effort. However I think it's a pretty damn good idea, of course it's not perfect there's absolutely room for constructive criticism and added ideas to make it better. We are talking about the ultimate defense against our genocide to ensure our future I want the plan to be as perfect as possible before people pick it up to actually make it happen.
I want this topic to be taken seriously please, I trust you will as we're all people that are here for the same reason.