Sam #racist

It is not Obama, anything, anytime.

It is the ruthless ultra rich and the billionaires, who are so selfish and greedy, these are the people making all the decisions against us.

The ruthless rich, who are afraid when ‘they’ try to take our paid for health care and Social Security, away from us, rather than shell out a few dollars to keep the programs going. So, the rich are afraid the time might come, after they have done so much bad to us, that we might come for them.

When do you think the government in order to pay on the FED debt and maintain the big Corporations tax free status will reduce and then cancel the two programs mentioned above?

We are under the same communist dictatorship that ruled Russia and before that Germany, the Russians sure did lose their pensions (long about then, thinking, hey, the Czar wasn’t so bad).

Before that, before Marx and communism, the Germans and Ukrainians were starved to death, by the tens of millions, and, by the same bunch (the rich Jews) that shortly became the communist.

The rich are always changing their face. Imagine telling the Russians, Germans, Chinese, etc., it is better for the common people to not own anything that way they can sleep at night and go to heaven?

I dread the day when we think: life with Obama wasn’t so bad—



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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