DoctorDoom #conspiracy #homophobia
Two possibilities: Jeffrey Curley or Jesse Dirkhising.
Crimes against gays become national headlines for months, e.g., the vicious, nightmarish murder of Matthew Shepard, the poster boy for hate crime legislation. His death is used to this day by activists to justify all kinds of oppressive legislation and activities against "homophobia". The fact that there was little evidence to support the charges of gay-bashing never interfered with the shameless, opportunistic exploitation of his death to support gay "rights".
OTOH, crimes BY gays are invariably suppressed or ignored. From the link above:
Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas, who was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured and repeatedly raped him. Dirkhising died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.
Dirkhising's death received only regional media coverage until a Washington Times article ran a story nearly a month after his death, noting the lack of national coverage in contrast to that given to the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard.
Shepard died violently and became an idol solely because he was gay. Dirkhising died violently and his murder was ignored because his murderers were gay.
This same P/C-darling syndrome affects the coverage of black crime. When a black is killed by a white, it's nationwide news, e.g., Saint Skittles. The OAKM liberals trip over each other in their frenzy to find new ways to call the killer a racist.
When a black kills a white, e.g., the two monsters who shot to death a white baby in a stroller, or another black (over 90% of black murder victims are killed by their "bruthas"), the OAKM hacks put their fingers in their ears, sing "LA DE DAH DE DAH", look out the window and watch the pigeons.
The basic principle: if a member of a politically correct minority commits a crime, any crime, it is not news; if a crime is committed against one of them, cover it to the saturation point. It has become far more brazen and obvious since the Magic Nigga was crowned. The OAKM don't even pretend to be objective any more.