So now,if you visit Ulster, it is a sad state of affairs. Sundays are just like they are here in heathen England - shops are open, people are playing football and the swings have been untied.
NOES! The state isn't forcing people to sit at home and twiddle their thumbs on Sunday? Oh, no, I get it, the state should be herding them straight into your church...right in time for the collection plate, no doubt...
The homosexuals openly hold an annual parade in Belfast, and even have several public houses now that have been cunningly disguised as regular pubs, so as to lure unsuspecting heterosexuals inside.
Yes, we lay in wait for the poor heterosexual to come inside, and the iron gate slams sht behind him...he will never be heard from again...
Has it occurred to you that they "Look like common pubs" bis because, one, if they are readily marked, they become targets for vandalism, and two, perhaps, aside from the fact that the patrons are TEH GHEY....they are really just pubs?
There is, I believe, at least one strip club as well as several sex shops openly operating in Belfast city centre.
Heavens forbid. Someone should drop this guy in Montreal. He'd have an aneurysm in ten seconds flat.
So-called 'Christian' churches have become increasingly liberal.
Translation: Preachers realize screaming about a loving God who condemns millions to hellfire for eternity are such far removed concepts, it's laughable. Plus they recall something about a fella you guys wave around like a can of Sin-B-Gone. You guys claim it gives you the right to act like dicks, tenuously adhere to your own holy text and messiah's teachings, and say "Well that's okay, because the Blood of Christ cleanses me of sin."
It is obvious that Satan has placed demons in the pews of churches, as Pastor Faulkner will testify. But it doesn't end there. The muslims are submitting planning applications for mosques, the buddhists have taken over mews houses and converted them into temples, the sikhs and hindoos (and yes, it is perfectly valid to spell it like that) have also opened temples and 'cultural centres'.
Oh, you poor, poor thing. you have live in the same CITY as other religious centers. Surely there must be some mistake...they MUST know that you're so special, and precious, that you can't POSSIBLY share breathing space with them, right...?
Even humanists / atheists and witches have their own little societies that operate in the open.
So, you're in a pissy because people who aren't like you have the nerve to exist in the open, basically. AMIRITE?
Now we are starting to hear from these people bleet for tolerance’, respect’, and rights’ for their religions, over and above the God-fearing, Bible-believing Christian people who had Ulster to themselves since time immemorial.
Yeah, well guess what. They live there too. They have the right to live in peace.
They aren't asking Jesus anything (And by the way, he actually had a LOT to say about tolerance. And those that would use religion for their own up on the Pharisees...) They are demanding that YOU back the fuck off, and let them live their own lives. In return, they will do the same, I'm sure.
What has happened here, folks? We have opened the door to Satan, and he has coming charging in.