
Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

In addition to evolution, here are 10 other scientific ideas which I feel will be exposed as FALSE within the next 25 years:

1. Theory of Planetary Orbits.

2. Theory that smoking is bad for people.

3. Theory that the moon governs tidal patterns.

4. Theory of global warming.

5. Theory of dark plasma, plasma filament theory (and plasma generally).

6. Theory of cell structures.

7. Theory of quantum mechanics.

8. Theory of Higgs Boson.

9. Theory of lasers.

10. Theory of atomic structure.

Garvan #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the earth is flat. Like so many other Christians in the western world, I believed for many years that science had got it right - that the earth was a sphere, circulating the sun. But then, by the grace of God, I got the courage to start researching this issue for myself. I studied scripture, prayed over scripture, and THEN (and ONLY) then did I return to science with the scriptural teachings in mind.

The Bible is absolutely crystal clear that, contrary to the teaching of the evolutionists, the earth is flat.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

The Absence of Transitional Forms
This is one of the most potent arguments against evolution I have ever come across. It has never, to my knowledge, been effectively countered by any evolutionist.

Basically the evolutionist believes that transitional forms happen "all the time" throughout history. So we don't actually need to look at fossil records to establish evolution - all we need to do is LOOK AROUND US and OBSERVE all the billions of transitional forms and species which - according to the evolutionist - should be running about the day. Since, according to the evolutionist, change is slow and gradual, then we be able to observe many forms which things like three legs, half a fin, one wing, etc.

So why can't we see them? Did evolution grind to a sudden halt over the past 150 years since Darwin declared its existence? That would be a bit odd, would it not???!!!

So, evolutionists, show me the evidence. Who needs to concern themselves with the fossil record when according to your own THEORY transitional entities should be ALL AROUND US - walking, swimming, crawling or flying.

Garvan Elison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Evolution of WOOD
Can an evolutionist please explain to me how and why WOOD evolved????

FACT: Plants are made of leaves and stems and do not contain any wood.

Evolutionists claim that trees did not evolve for 15 million years after the first plants appeared.

So why did it take so long for wood to evolve why plants would have benefited from having a height advantage over their competitors from the moment they first appeared???

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

[Another fundie displays a knack for rogue science]

Treatment for cancer.

1. Once the patient is diagnosed, pump a barium solution into his or her bloodstream, and also get the patient to swallow some.

2. Then x-ray the patient - any cancer cells will show up as having irregular outlines due to the barium solution.

3. The next step (which I concede is somewhat resource-intensive) is to inject each cancer cell with a small quantity of manganese.

4. Then lay the patient out of a table under a large electro-magnet positioned at the forefront of the abominal cavity. The magnet will connect with the manganese, thereby sucking every cancer will to one location directly under the magnet.

5. Now anaesthetise the patient and then activate the solid-state laser, taking care to aim the beam directly at the area under the magnet.

6. The cancer cells will, quite literally, be zapped into smithereens.

No more cancer.

Gravan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

[Regarding a curry stand in Chesterfield Market]

'EXCUSE ME', said I, 'but is this meat "halal" by any chance?'. 'Yes, sir', replied the young Bangladeshi. 'It is indeed'.

Yet who did I see in the queue? Lots of normal, white English folks queuing up to EAT MEAT WHICH HAD BEEN DEDICATED TO THE MUSLIM GOD, ALLAH. I bet not one of these unsuspecting people thought to ask whether their food had been dedicated to a demon prior to consumption.

Not only is Halal produce extremely cruel to the animals, but it is the equivalent of giving Satan a free entry pass to your soul.

Garvan #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

As I mentioned briefly in a comment earlier, I have tonight uncovered what I believe to be a massive discovery in my anti-cancer research. It is phenomenal. No further details will be published here in case my theory is stolen. However, I am going to consult an eminent oncologist - hopefully in the next few days if he grants my request for an urgent appointment.

I will keep my followers informed of all general developments, but tonight I am VERY VERY EXCITED. I always knew the Lord had plans for me, and He revealed unto me that I would be a vessel for something major. I truly believe this could be it. My purpose will be fulfilled!!!!!

I feel AWESOME at the moment and think I will now go outside to look up at the stars and praise the Lord and Saviour of Mankind.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

I would ask that all Christian posters please remember Dr Kent Hovind and his wife, Jo, in their prayers.

For those of you who do not know, 'Dr Dino' was a creation scientist who has paid with his liberty for preaching the truth in the supposedly 'free' USA. In spite of his incarceration, he continues to fight the good fight here on his blog.

The 'official' version of events presented by the establishment is that Dr Hovind was indicted because he tried to defraud the IRS and refused to pay tax. For some reason, the IRS decided that Doc Hovind's group was not a religious organisation and thus demanded every last penny he had. This wasn't a lot - since both Kent and his wife did not take a salary and none of the volunteers who helped them were employees. NO OTHER CHURCH HAS BEEN TREATED LIKE THIS!!!

So why did they go for Kent? It all boils down to an offer he made in 1990, and which still stands. $250,000 to ANYONE who can present ANY empirical evidence for evolution. And, despite all the atheist rantings that evolution was a 'fact', NOT ONE SCIENTIST was able to take up this challenge.

The Truth is that Doc Hovind had the establishment corned: the TRUTH was about to come out. The response was an age-old one - DISCREDIT the servant of God through false allegations and lies. Ultimately the allegations themselves were not sufficient, so they threw him in prison.

BUT He will not be silenced, and his wonderful work is still being continued by his family and friends.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Twelve Myths of Modern Science
As a biochemist, I have concluded that the greatest hoaxes perpetrated by the contemporary scientific establishment are:

1. Evolution.
Never observed, and therefore not capable of being classed as proper science.

2. Old Earth theory.
In spite of the Word of God, and all the geological evidence, the Establishment tries to convince us the earth is billions of years old in order to justify their theory of evolution.

3. Heliocentrism.
Watch the sun. Observe it with your eyes, and trust your instincts. And now tell me the earth is hurtling past the sun at close to the speed of light.

4. Solid Earth theory.
Disproved by geologists in Siberia in 2002. Findings covered up by the Establishment.

5. Existence of the Higgs Particle.
Entirely speculative. Based on theory, not proper science. Disgraceful, self-serving excuse for money-draining experiment in Geneva which jeopardises the future of mankind.

6. Vaccination.
So let's get this straight... to stop someone getting a disease you inject it straight into their bloodstream??? Yeah, WHATEVER!

7. Moon Landings.
Yip - look at the photos and see 'astronauts' leap out of their own shadows!!! In other photos, apparently flags can cast shadows but 'astronauts' can't!!!!!

8. Moon determines tides.
This particular myth was spread to science to boost the pagan cult of the moon god, which stems from the ancient belief that the moon had some sort of magical power. It is a light in the sky given by God as a gift to mankind - nothing more, nothing less.

9. Smoking causes cancer .
How the drug corporations love this one!!! An opportunity to make megabucks through the marketing of anti-addiction drugs!!! Odd that for centuries the Red Indians used tobacco to fight colds and flus... ie. it was a HEALTH BENEFIT not a HEALTH RISK. But apparently western 'science' knows best.

10. Satellites
Atheists mock Christians for believing in young earth creationism - yet these very same people believe there are thousands of little metal boxes buzzing over the earth communicating signals to computers everywhere!!!! Think about this rationally, folks. If something is put into outer space, it will float away. It will not simply hover above the earth. What a stupid and nonsensical idea!!

11. Psychiatry
A money-earning fad for the pharmaceutical industry and for failed 'doctors'. Psychiatry kills, simple as that. ALL PSYCHIATRISTS ARE BREAKING THE HYPOCRATIC OATH.

12. Global Warming
How could we forget this one? This is pure junk science. Thirty years ago scientists were telling us we were about to enter a new ice age, and now apparently the earth's temperature is rocketing!!!! What utter nonsense. Almighty God determines the temperature of this planet, and the only 'global warming' it will experience will come when he decides to burn it all in an almighty fireball, just like He says He will in the Bible.


Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Things I hate

* action figures
* birds
* Chattering classes
* demons
* deviant sexual practices
* evolution
* foreign religions
* foxes
* goths
* heliocentrism
* moths
* Obamamania
* pikeys
* psychiatry
* rap and loud rock music
* the corporations
* the Labour government
* the oil industry
* tree huggers
* uncovered ceilings with metal beams
* witches, wizards and witchcraft

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

The Endgame
Like many others, I believe the earth is likely to come to an end in 2012 for the following reasons:

1. A massive asteroid (the second-largest ever) will pass VERY close to the Earth in January. Numerologist Michael Drosnin (who is an atheist BTW) claims that, according to the Bible Code, an asteroid will collide with the Earth. He is the one who successfully predicted the assasination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

2. The Earth will be home to 7 billion people, according to the US Census Bureau. This is significant as '7' is regarding a number symbolises perfectionism in the Bible.

3. On 21 December 2012, the Mayan Calendar draws to an end,

4. The sun will reverse its own magnetic poles as a result of reaching the end of its sunspot cyle.

5. The Prophet Malachy was given a series of visions in 1140, which foretell a motto for the next 111 Popes. Since then, every SINGLE papacy, without exception, appears to have fulfilled Malachy's unique prophecy for them. And, according to Malachy, THERE IS ONLY ONE MORE POPE TO COME BEFORE THE END. We all know that Benedict is a man of great age, who may die soon. So 2012 would seem like a reasonable date where there would be time for only ONE MORE POPE.

6. In addition, virtually all the Biblical prophecies have now been fulfilled. A suspect antichrist is shortly to take up residence in the White House.

There are many more reasons besides - http://www.december212012.org/


Is this simply too much coincidence? Never in the field of human history have so many discrete sources linked a common date for the end of time.

Perhaps now is therefore the time to think seriously about your life and what will happen to you when it comes to an end.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

It seems that evolutionists are now prepared to concede that the sun is NOT fixed in the sky, but is, in fact, constantly moving.

So now we hear half the truth, but when will we get the WHOLE truth (ie., that the sun circles the earth)???

Also, what evolutionists haven't explained is, if the sun is indeed moving, then WHO is doing the moving, if not Almighty God???

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

So now,if you visit Ulster, it is a sad state of affairs. Sundays are just like they are here in heathen England - shops are open, people are playing football and the swings have been untied. The homosexuals openly hold an annual parade in Belfast, and even have several public houses now that have been cunningly disguised as regular pubs, so as to lure unsuspecting heterosexuals inside. There is, I believe, at least one strip club as well as several sex shops openly operating in Belfast city centre. So-called 'Christian' churches have become increasingly liberal. It is obvious that Satan has placed demons in the pews of churches, as Pastor Faulkner will testify. But it doesn't end there. The muslims are submitting planning applications for mosques, the buddhists have taken over mews houses and converted them into temples, the sikhs and hindoos (and yes, it is perfectly valid to spell it like that) have also opened temples and 'cultural centres'. Even humanists / atheists and witches have their own little societies that operate in the open. Now we are starting to hear from these people bleet for ‘tolerance’, ‘respect’, and ‘rights’ for their religions, over and above the God-fearing, Bible-believing Christian people who had Ulster to themselves since time immemorial. They are, of course, asking quite an impossible thing. KING JESUS DOES NOT RESPECT ANYONE'S RELIGION, EXCEPT THAT WHICH WAS INSTITUTED BY HIM.

What has happened here, folks? We have opened the door to Satan, and he has coming charging in.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

In recent times, the Lord has shown that He is running out of patience when ungodly men indulge their ungodly lusts in ungodly cities. September 11th saw New York get hit, just like the Bible foretold it would in Revelation:

And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her,
will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning; they
will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! alas! thou great
city, thou mighty city, Babylon! In one hour has thy judgment come"

Rev 18:9-10.

Then we had the mighty hurricane which struck the sinful city of New Orleans and then the awesome Tsunami that struck the muslim country of Indonesia.


Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Call to Prayer: RESIST the Antichrist!!!!

Tonight, I would urge all Christians to PRAY and FAST as they have never done before. The final chapter has arrived. Tomorrow, America looks set to elect the antichrist as its president.

This 'Obama' man is a very shady person indeed. He is totally untrustworthy, with no-one seeming interested to learn about, or dig up, his background. But, if you look at the facts from a Christian perspective, it does not take a genius to figure out that this man is the absolute epitome of the Antichrist.

Obama was born a Muslim and educated at an Islamic school in jihadi country of INDONESIA. Daniel 1 talks about the Antichrist as the “King of the South”. Obama is of the African land of KENYA, which lies to the south of Israel. The Bible also tells us that the Antichrist will come as a man of Peace. We are all sick to death of hearing this man's rants about bringing troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan, etc... precisely fulfilling the Biblical prophecy. The Bible also says the Antichrist will be a great and charismatic orator and popular throughout the world - again pointing to Obama.
Still not enough proof?

Then consider this:

Barack: 6 letters; Hussein: 7 letters; Obama: 5 letters.

6+7+5=18=6+6+6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and
the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or
upon their forehead; and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he
that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here
is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast;
for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a
hundred and forty and four thousand, having his name, and the name of his
Father, written on their foreheads.

Rev 13:16-14:1

I suppose there is the possibility that he may not be the Antichrist, but if not then he will be the false prophet foretold in Revelation. If not, he has certainly had some sort of Satanic / supernatural assistance to come to the threshold of power. Two years ago hardly anyone had heard of him, and Mrs Clinton was a 'dead cert' to receive the Demoncratic nomination. But this man has arisen from no-where, to achieve noteriety within a remarkably short space of time.

If the polls are correct, then mankind is about to witness a terrible series of events. Not long after this election, all Godly people (including myself) will be raptured. Then every demon in hell will be UNLEASHED upon the earth AND THE JUDGEMENTS OF GOD WILL RAIN UPON THE EARTH.

All evolutionists, atheists, agnostics, Hindoos, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, witches, communists, satanists and wannabe 'liberal' Christians will be left behind. What can they expect? The Bible tells us exactly what's coming: FAMINE; PESTILENCE; A MIGHTY WORLDWIDE EARTHQUAKE; ONE THIRD OF THE EARTH BURNT TO A CINDER; A MIGHTY METEORITE CRASHES TO EARTH; ONE THIRD OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION WILL BE MURDERED BY SATAN'S ARMY; NOISOME AND GRIEVOUS SORES ALL OVER YOUR BODY; ALL SEAS AND RIVERS TURN TO BLOOD; AND LOTS MORE BESIDES.

If Barack Hussein Obama wins tomorrow, THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT WILL HAPPEN.


Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

All evolutionists, atheists, agnostics, Hindoos, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, witches, communists, satanists and wannabe 'liberal' Christians will be left behind. What can they expect? The Bible tells us exactly what's coming: FAMINE; PESTILENCE; A MIGHTY WORLDWIDE EARTHQUAKE; ONE THIRD OF THE EARTH BURNT TO A CINDER; A MIGHTY METEORITE CRASHES TO EARTH; ONE THIRD OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION WILL BE MURDERED BY SATAN'S ARMY; NOISOME AND GRIEVOUS SORES ALL OVER YOUR BODY; ALL SEAS AND RIVERS TURN TO BLOOD; AND LOTS MORE BESIDES.

If Barack Hussein Obama wins tomorrow, THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT WILL HAPPEN.


fred the bus driver #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

(In response to a post about protesting a Hindu Rally in Trafalgar Square...)

fred the bus driver said...

Hey Garv,

It is good that you are protesting against this Hindu rally.

Some of us at church are thinking of getting a bus together and going up to protest at a certain Chicago university. Apparently this university is distributing FREE COPIES OF DARWIN to students and indoctrinating their vulnerable young minds through lectures espousing the ideas of evolution. Read more here:


I know that you have an interest in education, so perhaps you would consider writing to the President of this university to protest against this breach of academic freedom.

God bless,

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

"One of the contributors on the BBC Archers messageboard is possessed by three demons. I received this Word of Knowledge just now. I cannot reveal the name of this person for obvious legal reasons, but I would advise those who are weak in the Lord or who do not know Him to stay clear of that particular messageboard until this poster leaves. I have alerted the moderators but I suspect they will do nothing."

fred the bus driver #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

These Unitarians say that their members are free to believe anything that they want. However, like all liberals in this country, they're really just bigots in disguise. "Believe anything you want, so long as it's what we believe!"

In order to expose their bigotry, we are going to send small groups of our congregation into Unitarian churches on Sunday morning. When they have their moment of silence, we are going to stand up and shout a confession of our Bible-believing Christianity: "My friend Jesus spilled his blood for me, died for me on the cross, and he's coming back in a cloud of power and glory and he'll divide the sheep from the goats and a great lake of fire and burning sulfur awaits all ye false prophets!!!"

Then we will see how tolerant these Unitarians really are, and hopefully convert some as well.

Do you have Unitarians in England? You might want to do something similar over there.

God bless,

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Jesus was a pretty tough guy. If he was born in 21st century Britain, instead of 1st century Palestine, people would soon wake up to the fact Jesus is not a guy who is easily messed with. He would be be a damn tough kid at school, and would take cheek from no one. He would not be the bed-wetting sissy the liberals make him out to be: he would be into manly things like sports and hunting and fixing up old cars. He was, if I need to remind anyone, a carpenter in his day, which is a pretty hardy profession. Today, he'd probably be a miner or construction worker. They'd probably send him to prison nowadays instead of crucifying him - but he'd be 'top dog' inside and no-one would dare mess with him or his disciples. That is the Jesus of the Bible, and it's the Jesus that the liberals don't want anyone to know about.

Garvan #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

Everytime a scientist is interviewed on TV he is white. Even a few weeks ago, when the zany CERN experiment was being broadcast, every single person in that room was white. Why is this? Why are there so few dark-skinned scientists?

The answer is, of course, that around 95% of establishment figures (ie, academics employed in the university sectors) subscribe to the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is racist to the core, since it states that teaching that different races of people evolved all over the world and progressed at different rates. Therefore some groups of people are more closely related to monkeys than others. Now, scientists very conveniently forget about this strand of Darwin's theory, and would never dream of being OPENLY racist. However, deep inside their psyche lurks a racist streak. When they read a paper authored by someone with an African name, or when they see a rare black face at one of these fancy conferences, their subconcious beliefs in Darwinism will be triggered, and they will subconciously exclude that person.

Garvan Ellison #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

While I am in London, I am also going to protest outside the Museum of Natural History, which has consistently refused to present visitors with the Biblical account of creationism alongside the highly contentious views of the secular scientific establishment. I also have some business to take care of at Imperial College, as I know for a fact that academics based there have been actively involved in the promotion of heliocentrism to vulnerable young children who attended a summer school there last July.

Garvan #fundie garvanellison.blogspot.com

The thing that bugs me most is that people over here do not recognise what Sarah could do for the world. She is an ordinary mom, from a small town, and she holds values that so many people share (not only in America, but worldwide)... The world would be a much safer place with SARAH.