Tenniel #racist stormfront.org
I can NOT listen to Alex Jones for more than 10 minutes max.
Anyway, I got his main points:
1. The jews have put muslims in charge of the police, the judiciary, the local governments, the city of London -- all major society pivot points.
2. The muslims will murder Tommy in prison.
It's now or never, White Britain. Either you fight for your country, for your life, for your women, White man, or accept subjugation by brutal inferior muslims and jews who hate your guts. They will sex-enslave your daughters and girlfriends and wives. They will enslave you, White man.
It's now or never, White Britain. It's fight -- or die as a people forever. You're going to have to fight en masse -- without guns at first -- until the White police and White military join you -- which will happen if they see White Patriots in large numbers actually fighting to retake your homeland from the invaders.
It's physical now. Words aren't working. At least, that's the way it looks from across the Pond.