white_usa_ #racist stormfront.org
Nonwhites are lesser beings
Just a cursory look at nonwhites tells us that they are primitive, retarded, undesirable creatures.
For example, Africans and Aboriginals have unmistakable simian features, due to their genetic proximity to apes.
But even more evolved nonwhites, who are tens of thousands of miles removed from the native habitat of their ape ancestors, such as Amerindians, are profoundly racially inferior.
Evolutionary development does not necessarily result in intellectual advancement. A race or a sub-race can evolve for a long time, yet remain primitive, because its evolutionary path represents the roads to nowhere.
Take for example the natives of South Chile who are, in evolutionary terms, very distant from African apes (just as distant as Europeans).
The ancestors of Chilean Amerindians had to trek from Africa, through South Asia, North Asia, cross the Bering Strait into North America and then migrate from the Arctic Circle almost to Antarctica. Over tens of thousands of years it took them to accomplish their journey, Amerindians have naturally evolved.
But look at the results of an extensive period of their evolutionary development:
The natives of South Chile are primitive, inferior beings, just like Amerindians everywhere. So, how valuable was their evolutionary development?
The evolution has created many dead-ends and awkward features. For example, what’s the purpose of the epicanthic fold, commonly known as slant eyes?
In terms of scenery and weather conditions, North Korea is not much different from Sweden. Yet, Koreans look very different from Swedes (or native European hunter gatherers from Upper Paleolithic). So what’s the purpose of Korean peculiar evolutionary adaptation—slant eyes?
Were Europeans shortchanged by evolution to have avoided developing slant eyes? What are these strange features designed for anyway?
Whites are the only race that has avoided evolutionary paths resulting in (1) stagnation, as is the case with Bushmen, who have not evolved in the last 100,000 years or so, or in (2) “defective” evolution, undergone by mongoloids and all kinds of other sub-races (Dravidians, Polynesians, miniscule Indo-Chinese etc.), which represents a road to nowhere.
Whites have evolved intellectually, which is why they have created our modern civilization. We represent the brain trust of humanity.
Despite current setbacks, Aryan racial superiority will allow our descendants to push back these primitive, disgusting alien races and eventually create prosperous future for our people.
Fortunately, we can easily tell who is white and who is nonwhite based on appearance. This will come in very handy someday, believe me.