Lavendercelt #sexist

It is designed to destroy families. Extreme feminist philosophy wants to destroy the nuclear family and make women like men. Hardcore extreme feminists want to move toward genderlessness. Its important to realize that hardcore feminism is driven by lesbianism. The hatred of men and children, and the adoration of that national blood orgy that is abortion is what drives them. It just my opinion, but feminism is driven by women who are mentally ill and feel so personally slighted that anything that is denied to them is a denial of their "rights."

Most women (at least most of the women I know) are pretty much normal, love their husbands and families, etc, and just live their lives. Feminist philosophy means little to them, and when the averag woman comes face to face with what feminism really is, they abhor it. Its not normal. The problem is that these feminists have co-opted the right to speak for all women and they don't.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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