RCQ_91230 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com
[RCQ_92130 alleges setting aside Proposition 8 was unlawful because the judge was a homosexual seeking marriage]
1. "committed Christian" ???? Balderdash. You KNOW that is a lie;.
2. You can troll until your drop dead from AIDS; I care not.
3. A Judge must recuse himself if he has a horse in the race, as did Walker. Deal with it.
4. Explain to me why society should change it's 5,000 year old definition of marriage; why this is beneficial to our society. The onus is on YOU, not on those to say why it should NOT happen.
5. If you actually WERE a Christian you would understand you are NOT to 'conform to the world'. Your argument that, "a whole generation has been brainwashed and supports us" is not even a lousy way to make public policy; it's no way at all.
[Poster replies]
Yes, that's the typical homosexual excuse.
Realizing you say this simply out of dogma, I'll respond anyway.
We see from many ~~ Vaughn Walker, Annise Parker, etc. ~~~ that homosexuals are for some reason incapable of subjugating their personal, activist agenda in favor of their professional responsibilities. I suppose it has something to do with the fact homosexuals define themselves first and foremost as homosexuals; everything else is far lower.
Normal people are not like this. If you were to ask ANY straight person about themselves, the very last thing they would use to describe their lives is "straight". So, if a normal Judge is adjudicating a case in which a straight (or homosexual) individual is either Defendant or Plaintiff, the urge to promote some sort of sexual agenda is simply absent.
With homosexuals, the urge to promote "Gay Agenda" is everything, squeezing objectivity and impartiality completely aside. Homosexuals, generally, are incapable of fulfilling their duties. Others do not suffer from this deficiency.
Thus, your extrapolation is inapplicable.
[Another poster replies]
Yes, of course ... if a Black Judge were an activist he or she should recuse him/herself on any matter in which that activism was germane. Of course. If, for example, Obama were to appoint any of his blatantly racist friends to the bench there should rightly be a good deal of 'recusing" going on..
This is not global warming. Your claim that "all scientists agree" is absurd. There is no consensus at all on this other than in the APA's Division 44 and other internal gay propaganda mills that have been established., and their voices - though carrying the banner of the Association that was once a legitimate, objective scientific resource, should be ignored by all as ,... well, as it's nothing more than propaganda. That silly stuff might make you feel a bit more 'justified', but serves no other sensible purpose.
Oh, and please shuck off the "stop peering into bedrooms" silliness. Before the rampant, militant activism swept homosexuals up, there were, no doubt, many individuals like you described, who just want to be left alone. That is no longer true, and the matter that has awakened so many in fierce opposition to GayGestapo is that the matter is NOT in the bedroom. Take it back there and all will be well again. But the obsession will not allow that, will it?