Homosexuality is not static more homosexuals change to hetersexuality then hetersexauls change to homosexuality there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality. God made male and females with freewill who become confused and hurt by their social circumstances
there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality.
No, there fucking well isn't. You're lying for Jesus again.
Ah yes. The selective science of the fundy.
They will argue indefinitely about some half-baked crap that allegedly supports their bigotry but real science re: evolution, global climate change, pollution in general, gun laws etc, is discarded as "evil".
From "How to Rebuke the Unsaved" :
'Allege that “a growing body of evidence” or “scientific studies” prove your point. Hope that no one calls you on that. If anyone does, simply say, “Do your own research.”'
"there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality."
But Paul Cameron says they all die by the age of 42 so how can they get old enough to become "hetersexauls"?
Homosexuality is not static more homosexuals change to hetersexuality then hetersexauls change to homosexuality there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality.
Uh-huh...uh-huh...eeeeyeah, Gay Fathers chapters around the world would like to disagree.
"They'd just argue that the "Institute of Proving the Bible Right" is not biased in any way. "
But the other 99% of scientists without any stated goals to prove who think YEC is BS, homos cant change and other unbiblical things are all incredibly biased and cant be trusted,
"...there is research..."
I smell bullshit.
"...from all around the world..."
Bullshit grows damn near everywhere.
Ok listen here eezyone, I can help make you smarter.
1. Learn to spell.
2. Do some research into psychological studies of homosexuality. The Bible doesn't count.
3. Get off Youtube.
4. ???
Not very fundie, but quite braindead.
"more homosexuals change to hetersexuality then hetersexauls change to homosexuality"
I'm just going to bypass the horrible spelling and sheer confusion this statement conveys and just say lying for Jeebus.
You need to learn how to form a proper sentence eezyone seriously you type in run on sentences if that wasn't the worst of it your information is completely wrong.
(Grr. I wish fundies would learn some basic grammar. It's so hard trying to make jokes of their typing.)
A quick aside apropos of the idea 'not genetic = chosen'.
It's a Fundie fallacy. Here are some counter examples:
-Congenital illnesses are neither genetic nor chosen.
-Leg amputees haven't chosen to be unable to run.
-Queen Bees are genetically identical to their sisters, but their giant size and fertility are due to having been fed on 'Royal Jelly' when lava. Their sisters are not willfully and wickedly sterile by choice in rebellion against God.
Ok, and did God made us with free will to decide, in general, who we are attracted with and if we're fertile or not?
Okay, link please to this "research" of yours? Don't worry, i'll wait.
And just to let you know, in my case: the older i get, the more openly gay i get! In your face. Hated that fucking hetero poster of me on my closet door too long, years of life down the drain...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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