Britannic Nationalist #sexist
Re: ONLY Patriarchy Builds Nations * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS
So, what do we do with a woman who is too headstrong and intelligent to cook and clean all day? If your only response is to scream CUCKCUCK!!!! then don't reply. I'm looking for serious discussion.
Sometimes one must look at the bigger picture.
We seemed to manage these issues for thousands of years without terrible trouble and built the most advanced civilisation our species has produced into the bargain. It's only since the 1960s that things have gone south big time in this regard.
Was everyone happy, was there no injustice, was every individual about to fulfill their potential etc, during all this time? No. But that's utopian day dreaming. We can't now either. The problem derives from our societies obsession with individualism, wanting each person to be able to 'fulfill their dreams' even if society as a whole goes to hell in a hand basket.
We need to start seeing the wood and not the trees a bit more. Individuality isn't something to be thrown out wholesale, but it needs to be reigned back in considerably in favour of a more collectivist outlook.
Fulfilling our individuality needs to set within the parameters of what is good for society. This idea that each of us can 'be whatever we want' needs to go. Some people are not suited to certain things and we shouldn't sell pipe dreams to people, especially if those dreams can come true and we all suffer for it.
Individual meritocracy with certain logical restrictions for the good of society. That's basically where it's at.
I also think that people tend to mentally conform to the standards and expectations of their time. For example, peasants in the 1500s were not desiring or aspiring to be Lords or Parliamentarians. They knew it was far beyond their station so they didn't factor it into their calculations. They weren't all day-dreaming about it and becoming depressed that they couldn't become those things. Likewise, women weren't becoming depressed because they couldn't become great warriors or master craftsmen.
The feminist narrative that women have always desired these things and that it was only 'patriarchy' holding them back and oppressing them is false. Patriarchal society was a reflection of the natural gendered differences between us and people, women included, conformed to these norms. They weren't getting depressed because they couldn't be 'shieldmaidens'.
The idea of women being 'liberated' implies they were suddenly able to fulfill the dreams they had been having all along. In reality, it simply meant that the expectations of women changed and they began desiring things they had not seriously desired before - things that would ultimately prove disastrous for society and in many ways not ultimately fulfilling for themselves, because these desires were largely implanted in them by post-1960s society, not natural reflections of their nature. Left to their own devices, without restrictions or prompting from society, women and men overwhelmingly choose things which we would think of as typical traditional pursuits. In Scandinavia, the most gender-free society yet made, women are choosing traditionally female occupations and the same for males at the highest rates, much to the confusion and dismay of feminists and sociologists. And this is still with some promoting from society for women to enter traditional male domains. In some areas, such as with politics, there is huge societal prompting for more women to enter these fields (and sometimes all-women shortlists, I think) so that would explain why there are so many women in some fields. However, where the promoting is much less, such as with engineering, women aren't bothering.
Unfortunately from the 1600s on as political philosophy grew ever more individual-focused it started giving all sorts of people ideas that would ultimately prove detrimental to society as a whole. Factor in the Jewish role later in the 20th century and it went from being a tenuous situation to a suicidal situation.