wunddrin & davidm #racist stormfront.org
Re: NYT hires female Korean editor who absolutely hates "dumbass...White people"
This is coming from someone whose people are allowed in this country almost just by asking even though we've been protecting them from their own people to the north every day for over half a century. I guess that's not good enough. Like so many other little parasites, they want what we built. They certainly do make themselves at home here...they're so comfortable, they can even denigrate their great benefactor as they please. We never needed or wanted even one of them here. I hope the Japanese eventually eat them all up. No one would miss them. What little land they have should go to the service of a superior culture anyway (i.e., anyone else).
What's left of those cannibals in Korea could be let overrun by China and Japan.
Korea would also be a great strategic location for a New White Nation where one has never before existed !!! We already have thousands of personnel stationed there in position for Global Multicultural exchange of people !!!
Our soldiers should just bang any of their smart and/or good looking females to create offspring for our next wave of soldiers and construction workers to bang in the next generation thereby slowly creating a White Nation through successive waves of this soft gene therapy.
That is what is currently happening to all of Western Civilization due to feminized docile and naive altruistic White civilizations.
Time to once again move outward starting within our own borders taking along with us everyone who is useful even of other races to some extent and sweep the planet with White gene flow worldwide.
Successive waves of advancing business communities and work camps will slowly replace other populations with soft gene-therapy through direct contact.
Assertive , well mannered when possible , White People should move out and impregnate the planet in advance of the future waves of White emigrant s who will follow in decades to come.
We can heal the planet.