Even if the Amerindians were the first humans on this continent (which I find increasingly unlikely as the evidence mounts), that does NOT--by ANY rational argument--give them claim to every last square inch of dirt here.
There were most certainly unfortunate incidents involving unscrupulous Whites--Cortez, for example, but this was not typical. What generally happened was that we built a village and they tried to rob it by force. We figured out what had to be done very quickly: We defended ourselves from the savages. We made numerous treaties and our own frontiersmen would build right up to the agreed line, but the savages would relentlessly cross it, murdering, raping, and robbing. So nobody living on the frontier had any sympathy for them and understandably so. We would counterattack and end up with more land and a new treaty, start building again and the whole process would repeat.
And now the remaining large pool of Amerinds (Mexicans) CONTINUE to cross the treaty line at will to take what they want. It's in their genes. We should take every last Amerind living in this nation and repatriate them to Mexico, and if we can't get them to stop crossing our border illegally, it's high time we went on another butt-kicking campaign. So do go find a White person from southern Arizona and ask them about the "noble savages" living on their border
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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