King of Clubs #racist
I don't hate black people, I hate black culture. I really hate it how people think that these views are "ignorant", because that assumes that I'm uninformed about what "black culture" has to offer. Let me sum up some of the main points for you:
American blacks: Guns, gangs, ghettos, hip hop, pimps, low IQs, KFC, obese women, Martin Luther King, pimped-up cars, Malcolm X. and lots of booty shaking!
Carribean blacks: Guns, gangs, ghettos, Yardies, low IQs, jerk chicken, Rihanna, and lots more booty shaking!
African blacks: Guns, gangs, mud huts, AIDS, extremely low IQs, warlords, voodoo witch "doctors", Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, tribal warfare and even more (tribal) booty shaking!
Liberals assume that I am uninformed about black culture, which is completely untrue, I just hate it. That makes me a culturalist, NOT a racist.
Given the choice, every single non-black father in the world would NOT approve of his daughter getting together with a black man. If the daughter was in love with two men (1 white and 1 black) the father would always recommend the white guy; it's human nature. This proves that even the most desperately liberal white people are secretly a little bit "racist" themselves.
Theoretical liberalism is very different from liberalism in practice. 95% of these liberals who keep saying anti-"racist" remarks live in really nice areas, surrounded by white families and white culture. Given the choice, none of them would want to be surrounded by black families and black culture.