/No believer in Yu’shua or who claims to follow the Bible can be a homosexual or a supporter of them./
I'm a Christian and I support gay rights. FAIL.
/The Cdn govt should change the laws of this country/
Oh, so you're Canadian? I feel so sorry for my northern neighbors.
/so that homosexuality and incest and rape and bestiality are death penalty crimes/
Okay, let's go through this.
1. Homosexuality harms nobody. It's merely a different sexual orientation. Why should it be punishable by death? Because it's different? Please. Keep in mind that Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality and that homosexuality is not even mentioned in the Ten Commandments (unless you count the ones about adultery and lusting after your neighbor's spouse, which can equally apply to heterosexuals).
2. Since a lot of incest cases turn out to be rape cases, I can see where you're coming from. Believe me, I don't think it's normal or wholesome, and I would never in a million years want to sleep with my brother. As a matter of fact, I find it rather disturbing. But if it involves adults who willingly and knowingly consent to it (I'm thinking along the lines of brother-sister incest or incest between cousins. Heck, FDR and Eleanor were cousins, as were Darwin and his wife) and who have the common sense to use birth control so that they don't reproduce and create genetically deformed children, then...well, it's their business. Besides, there are a lot of incest cases in the Bible and not all of them are condemned.
3. Now this is one that I can definitely agree with. I don't know if I'd agree with the death penalty punishment per se, but I do agree that rape is a heinous crime that deserves severe punishment. However, again, rape hasn't exactly received the most condemnations in the Bible.
4. Hmm. I'm not really sure about this one because it does seem like rape to me. I mean, how could an animal consent? Personally, I think it's disturbing. However, I don't think it's heinous enough to merit the death penalty. As a matter of fact, I'm a bit uncertain on the death penalty issue myself. But then again, didn't Canada outlaw capital punishment?
/and that warlocks and witches are put to death./
I don't know anything about the Canadian educational system. I don't know how much American history you guys learn up there, but I would hope that you learn about the Salem Witch Trials. If not, let me spell it out for you, Greg. We already tried that nonsense down here. Been there, done that. Guess what? It didn't work and it turned out to be a major catastrophe. Why? Because there are no warlocks and witches. Those are just labels for innocent people that you don't like. Once you start, there's no telling who you'll dunk next.
I really don't know what to say. On the one hand, I don't want this loser to come down here, because we have enough idiots to deal with. On the other hand, I feel bad that Canada still has to deal with morons like him. So, I'll settle for this: move to Saudi Arabia, Greg. Trust me, they may not like Christians that much, but once you all sit down at the dinner table together, you'll be amazed at how much you guys have in common.