Before anyone goes into big denial about the possibility that each race on Earth came from a different planet he/she should do some research as to the differences in each race.
Take note and be curious about the fact that the hair of humans and the hair of all mammals, even tho it may be differently shaped, has a CORE. That is all EXCEPT the Negroid races.
Also, it seems, that the Negroid races are the only ones that are adapted to life on this planet. Maybe they are the only ones who "evolved' here, if indeed there was any kind of evolution.
Since We like to think of ourselves as being the "highest" life form that there is, do you think that perhaps in the distant unknowable past our creation was such that we would be naturally cross-fertile regardless of differences?
The white and yellow races both need extensive environmental modification to survive. (houses, clothing etc) The brown races seem to be somewhere in between. I can't think of a single thing that makes white people better adapted to Northern climates. I don't even think they are well adapted to Earth. They could not have survived the "cave man stage" and should have perished long ago. Maybe they initially had help by way of tools, clothing and weapons.that were brought along. I don't think that the people who were brought to Australia were just dumped off with only the clothes they were wearing, do you?
If you think that the white races became pale as an adaptation to their environment, then you must believe that all the dark races now living in Northern latitudes will evenutally become pale and blue eyed also.
So far as I know there are no blonde, blue-eyed Eskimos.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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