Tenniel #racist stormfront.org
Re: Trump plan to offer citizenship to 1.8m undocumented immigrants
This is NOTHING less than a...
despicable betrayal of White America by Trump -- a despicable betrayal of the people who elected him.
Now we know why he has been ALL TALK NO ACTION on immigration. His primary goal has been NOT to protect America -- but to give a "Path to Citizenship" to his chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiildren of DACA (plus the 3.3 MILLION "Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamers) -- the people he looooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvves.
This is the reason for the one+ year DELAY on building the Wall and on DEPORTING the LOW-IQ nonwhite invaders.
He's been waiting for the right moment when he would be able to "make a deal" with Congress to "save" his DREAMERS, to give them AMNESTY, to give them American CITIZENSHIP.
Hey Trump.
Your WALL means NOTHING unless it includes the CONCURRENT DEPORTATION of the 60 MILLION nonwhite illegal alien invaders PLUS an end to Chain Migration and The Lottery.
AND, Trump, you don't need a "deal" with the traitors in Congress to build the WALL. It is YOUR DUTY to build the wall as President of America because it is YOUR DUTY TO DEFEND America.
Congress can figure out how to pay for it later -- AFTER the wall is built. Or make Mexico pay for it. (We still remember what you said a million times, Trump.)
America is being INVADED.
When the Chinese built their 13,170 MILE LONG WALL OF CHINA -- do you think the Ming Dynasty worried about the cost? Huh? Hell no. The Ming Dynasty was concerned about one thing: protecting their nation China from the Mongolian and Russian Caucasian "barbarians." Because the Ming Dynasty placed China First -- and meant it.
As a POI, by contrast to the Great Wall of China, Trump is now talking about, not even a 2,000 mile wall, but a 700 mile wall. And that wall will no longer be a wall -- but mostly a FENCE.
God, I'm so sick of this ENDLESS CHAIN of lying, FAKE American presidents. (Not to mention the rest of the traitorous government.)
Just do what you said you would do about THE INVASION, Mr. Great "Deal Maker."
If you refuse to STOP and REVERSE the nonwhite invasion of America, every other positive thing you do for the country means NOTHING.
America was Great When It Was White -- BECAUSE it was White.
That's the plain straight TRUTH. And you know it. And so does everyone else.