Homosexuals moral and ethical? By their very nature, they can't be. Homosexuality is an abomination. 73% of our military want the ban lifted? That's a lie from the pit of hell that still smells of smoke. Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them and have to worry about getting hit on or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough. Why is this question coming up? Because the homosexuals have to continually shove their sexual proclivities in our faces. If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it. Don't keep pushing that crap on me and my family.
"Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them and have to worry about getting hit on or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough. "
So, what they're implying is that... in the midst of battle, a gay person would be so engrossed in another soldiers ass that they wouldn't be able to function as a straight soldier would?... Riiight.
@Reverend Dave
Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them
That's probably because you refuse to associate with more enlightened individuals.
Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them
Oh, yeah, there's a random sample - all his redneck pals in Bumblefuck, Arkansas agree with him ...
If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it.
That would be fine if only Rev. Dave would shut up, too.
Like it or not, the military is actually paid to defend all people - including homosexuals. They are just like you; they are law-abiding civil citizens and they pay tax. If they want to go to war, then idiots like you have no right to stop them.
Personally, I wouldn't mind a guy interested in my ass helping me to keep my ass alive. But you wouldn't get me off in some far flung sandbox for no apparent reason to begin with.
Quoted For Truth!
Here's a question for you "reverend" Dave, given the vilification and open hatred gay Americans have to deal with, doesn't the fact that they still want to serve their country tell you something about their moral fibre and patriotism?
I don't understand thier objection really. Sulely thay'd want gays to join the military, so they can get shot at and die?
Why is this question coming up? Because the Fundamentalists have to continually shove their religion in our faces. If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it. Don't keep pushing that crap on me and my family.
Which nature?, if "by the very nature" can´t be, the very fundation of sin is erased. YOu have to CHOOSE to sin. If they can´t choose, there is not sin. Second, they´re not forcing you and your family to be gay, the same that they´re not forcing you to buy peanut butter if you don´t like it but they do.
"Homosexuals moral and ethical? By their very nature, they can't be."
Morals have nothing to do with nature. They are man-made. Even if they were 'god'-made, they'd still ahve nothing to do with nature.
"Homosexuality is an abomination."
Yawn - hey, here's an idea. Why don;t you fundies invest i na thesauraus and stop using the same dreary old words over and over again. All it does is lend more weight to the argument thta fundies simply cannot think for themselves.
"73% of our military want the ban lifted? That's a lie from the pit of hell that still smells of smoke."
Evidence that it is a lie?
No, thought not.
"Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them"
Yeah, and I bet you know hundreds of GIs, don't you? Of course you don't. You probably don't even know a dozen.
"and have to worry about getting hit on"
The only ones obsessed with sex are you and and your fundie pals. Most gay service men and women are in the army because they want to serve their country. Who the hell are you to claim otherwise?
"or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough."
Yeah, because all gay people are pansies who can't fight, right? Believe me, I'd be more than happy to prove you wrong.
"Why is this question coming up?"
Because you sex-obsessed but paradoxically life-denying morons won't let it lie.
"Because the homosexuals have to continually shove their sexual proclivities in our faces."
I'd rather shove a grenade in your face.
"If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it. Don't keep pushing that crap on me and my family."
Give me one example when any gay person has actually done this to you and your family. Bet you can't. Bet you're a liar.
Straight Soldier: Keep your head down. Those mortars are zeroing in on us.
Gay Soldier: Man, they sure are. Kiss me, you fool.
Old Viking, that made hot coffee come out my nose. And that hurts!
The only people shoving homosexual proclivities in our faces are the homophobes braying about them.
Let's hope those uniforms aren't mixed fibres - that would be an abomination. Not to mention the whole military. The Bible explicitly says that if you kill another man, his blood will be upon you, and that if you resist those who seek to do you evil, you will go to Hell.
What's up with fundies refusing to read the Bible?
" ..have to worry if they can be counted on when the going gets tough ..."
I wonder if Reverend_Dave is ready to face the truth about the Spartan army. Homosexual relations culturally encouraged (to the level of imitating it in heterosexual marriage ceremonies): check. Could rely on each other when the going got really, antiquity-style, Thermopylae-class tough: check.
Oh, so we gays have to shut up, but idiots like you must be free to scream and shout your hate from the rooftops?
Darwin award to you, dipshit!
As the fiance of a military man, and the best friend of another, I know several soldiers. NONE of them would feel uncomfortable, or particularly care, if the soldier in the foxhole next to them was gay, straight, or bi, as long as they got their job done. And if they didn't get their job done, thier sexual orientation had NO effect on that.
Also, my best friend is gay. Several of the soldiers in his unit KNEW that and still didn't care. They were in the line of fire and were hunkered down in foxholes together and became brothers. Sexual orientation matters very little in the midst of war.
As a former Special Forces Op...I had three individuals in my squad that were homosexual and they saved my ass on numerous occassions. I was never hit on and maybe if that ban was lifted there wouldn't be a recruitment problem. Not all the gay people in this world are like the ones you see in movies being "Fabulous". There are quite a few that you wouldn't even expect. Like that Haggard fellow you fundies drooled over for so long.
Gays can't get going when the going gets tough....I believe a few marines might disagree with you...Civillian.
"Homosexuals moral and ethical? By their very nature, they can't be."
Why not?
"Homosexuality is an abomination. 73% of our military want the ban lifted? That's a lie from the pit of hell that still smells of smoke."
Are you citation is?
"Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them and have to worry about getting hit on or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough."
Most of the GIs you know are probably bigots.
"Why is this question coming up? Because the homosexuals have to continually shove their sexual proclivities in our faces. If that's the way you want to live your life, fine. Shut up about it. Don't keep pushing that crap on me and my family."
They're pushing it on you by wanting to be treated like human beings?
I don't get it, why would it matter if it was a same-sex or opposite-sex person hitting on you? So it's wrong for men to hit on men in the military, but OK for women to hit on men? Wouldn't that cause exactly the same problems you are talking about?
I agree, it's such a pity there have to be gays and lesbians in the armed forces, when they could find more creative things to do with their lives. Best leave the fighting to the hetero meatheads, who would be no good at anything else.
By their very nature, neither moral nor ethics have anything to do with a person's sexual orientation, but with his or her upbringing and personality. Homosexuality is a natural variation, just like left-handedness, green-eyedness and tallness. 73 % of your military want human rights for everyone then, that's encouraging.
Most women GIs have to worry about getting hit on by GI males, get hit on by GI women as well is no big change. The military training is intended to make people ready when the going gets tough. If you can't be counted on, then you won't make it through training either.
It's heterosexual proclivities that are constantly shoved in people's faces, stupid. Everyone is presumed heterosexual, almost all couples in movies and books are heterosexual. You're the one who needs to shut up and stop pushing around crap!
“73% of our military want the ban lifted? That's a lie from the pit of hell that still smells of smoke.”
Nope. About 60% were either gay or they knew someone in the service who’s gay and a pretty stand-up guy/gal, OR they knew someone who was hounded out of the military for no good reason beyond someone turning them in for being gay.
The other 13% were just tired of the Equal Opportunity Training sessions that went off the rails on the subject. “If it doesn’t affec their job, it’s none of your business.”
I ask, “You mean like gays?”
"Most GI's that I know would prefer NOT to have gays & lesbians serving next to them and have to worry about getting hit on or worrying if they can be counted on when the going gets tough.”
I think you’re talking to GI’s that served in Korea and still buy into the whole stereotpye.
“Why is this question coming up?”
“Because the homosexuals have to continually shove their sexual proclivities in our faces.”
Wasn’t banning the gays shoving YOUR religion in OUR faces?
I swear, there’s no hate quite like Christain love…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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