Wake up: "national socialism", like ALL forms of socialism, is a jewish concoction.
Nazism was not even socialistic. It was right-wing authoritarian. The name was just chosen to cater to workers that the party was trying to recruit.
Also, why would Jews kill 5,7 million other Jews?
There's a clue in the phrase "national socialism"; you need a nation in which to pursue it. In 1920, the Jews didn't have one. No more Jewish than Stalinism and Soviet state socialism, with its decades-long campaigns against "Zionism" and "rootless cosmopolitanism," meaning, in both cases, Jews.
Corollary: The use of either of the following gets you laughed out of the debate (see also Scopie's Law at 2 Internet Code §697):
--"Truth is stranger than fiction!"
--Use of the Galileo Gambit
--The putative Schopenhauer quote, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
--The shill gambit
--Any reference to having taken a drug beforehand while supporting an assertion with a personal anecdote
--Support for an assertion that wholly consists of (1) dishonest conspiracy websites, (2) conspiratorial YouTube videos, (3) known false experts, and (4) quote-mined real experts
@Goomy Pls:
Also, don't forget references to time running out, whereby if we don't heed their warnings it will lead to our ultimate doom at some specified, or unspecified, date in the near future.
Isn't it strange that the Nazis hated communists and socialists as much as they hated Jews then?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If there were such a thing like hell, Göbels and Hitler would be sitting there and laughing about the people who still believe in their "we will put the word socialist in the name of our party"-ploy.
I was going to do my usual facts and figures, but then I realized it was from Infowar. So, in other words, complete horseshit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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