Hull is just eight days away from no longer being City of Culture.
Can we claim to be the capital of Britain?
Is New York the capital of the US, Donald Fart...?!
There is a US state called Washington.
Is Seattle therefore the capital of the US...?!
Is Kyoto the capital of Japan...?!
Nobody tell Wiggy about the 2018 Winter Olympics:
He probably thinks they're being held in North Korea.
It's a shame that none of his advisors told him not to do<** whisper, whisper **>
It's a shame that he didn't listen to all his advisors* when they told him not to do that.
* all but Pence, but he is never listened to anyway. He is just there for photo ops.
@#2124459: Nah, Hitler had an agenda, albeit an evil one. Donnieboy just wants to enrich and glorify himself, and nobody and nothing else matters to him in the slightest.
I realise I may be in the minority here, but I almost like this depiction of Trump.
He actually looks like a petulant child.
Just make that Jerusalem thing into a mudpie instead, and it would probably be more accurate.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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