Richard Weddel #racist
[From an article entitled How to Have Sex with Latinas. The original article comes with hyperlinks. Didn't include them here coz I can't be bothered]
Before we get into the thick of it, let me share with you the challenges Latinas pose:
They’re the flakiest women in the world
They’re easily bored if you are too stagnant
You must be dominant with them
You’ll have an easier time with a little language skill - it goes a long way
Again, stressed for importance— Latin women flake, ALL the time
Latin women are crafty little devils. Ingrained into them by their culture is the want for a macho man, a dominant male, or an alpha male.
because Latin women are coming from poorer environments, the risk of not getting sex because you’ve been placed into the boyfriend zone is lessened; instead, when you seem like a reasonably stable mate, you’ll actually see your odds go up - rather in contrast to what you see with Western women.
Trippy, isn’t it?
My first bit of advice is goes back to language, because nothing turns a Latina on more than hearing some raunchy sayings in her native tongue.
If you absolutely must be in control sexually (I sure as hell don’t!), then she will still sleep with you
You won’t have to persuade her or coerce her into giving you oral sex before sex; she’ll do it without asking. Reciprocating that love isn’t essential, but if you don’t mind doing so ( I sure as hell don’t!), then I advise you to do so, because she will definitely keep it in mind when she’s pleasuring you next time.