Christ's Love #fundie #homophobia
In many homosexual rallies there will be at least one sign that reads- WHAT JESUS SAID ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY _____________. The blank is supposed to represent Jesus' silence on the subject. The problem is that Jesus is not silent on the subject of homosexuals, homosexuality or 'gay marriage'. Jesus said of marriage and unions, "'Haven't you read,' He replied, 'that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh'" (Matthew 19:4-5) Jesus isn't exactly silent on the matter of unions (male/female) and He isn't silent on who can be married (male/female) and Jesus isn't silent about who can have sex and with whom (only in marriage male/female and only as husband and wife). An argument from silence when there is a preponderance of evidence in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin is not a legitimate argument. We all know Jesus, God the Son, is anti sin and since homosexuality is a sin then Jesus is not a proponent of a homosexual lifestyle. Jesus also never said any thing about pedophilia or racial prejudice. Do we accept, tolerate or condone those activities in ourselves or in others because of His perceived silence about them? NO. We understand the nature of God and know that God in the flesh would not violate that nature by condoning any sin.