CH #sexist
[When you testify in your own defense and end up point-blank admitting to the dead children in your crawlspace]
" You are profiled among other luminaries in the recently published “Kill All Normies, Online Culture Wars From 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right” by Angela Nagle.
She takes an even-handed approach to online political/cultural activities of the past few years and fairly blames the left for their busybody overreach.
In the more explicitly alt-right crossover sites, as the anti-feminist sphere and the race-oriented sphere started to meet, Chateau Heartiste is an MRA and PUA blog, which mixes evolutionary psychology, anti-feminism and white advocacy. In the blog he argues that women’s economic freedom is leading to civilizational collapse. He believes white civilization is being destroyed by miscegenation, immigration and low white female birth rates owing to feminism. This decline can only be undone, he thinks, by deporting minorities and restoring patriarchy."
This is shit reporting and shittier libel. And it’s coming from an ostensibly sympathetic media whore!
First, CH has blamed more than women’s economic freedom for decivilization. But even this is a sleight of rhetoric. Specifically, women’s economic self-sufficiency is one of the problems; and for valid reasons that research has borne out: government largesse and full-time female employment lower the sexual market value of beta provider males. Women are wired to desire male sexiness and male provisioning, and if women have their provisioning needs met by a substitute man — aka the government and brunch-funding post-high school credentialism — then they will prefer to spend their maximally fertile years chasing after sexy men at the expense of dependable betas.
Further exacerbating this effect is the wage gutting consequence that has accompanied mass female workforce entry, rendering a large number of lower, working, and middle class men un-marriageable. And, as I have argued here, there are SMV feedback loops in play. Empowered women tend to turn off men, who as a sex are attracted to the role of the strong man providing for and protecting the vulnerable woman. The damsel in distress isn’t a trope for no reason.