TS (unami): Hetero men who RAPE other men as a show of force and dominance does not mean they are gay! Read some history about how conquering armies did this to humiliate and subjugate their defeated foes. Not even close to a gay relationship -- especially since it was done by HETERO men.
Samdwindsor: They wanted to have sex with them before forcing their homosexuality on the menl
TS (Unami): No no no.
The men outside Lot's door were ALL THE MEN OF THE CITY as the scripture says. ALL OF THE MEN.
This was attempted RAPE as a form of dominance and humiliation by HETEROsexual men toward the visitors!
Sandwindsor: You have had Ezekiel explained to you several times TS. The angels did not bring any homosexuals out of Sodom and Gomorrah. Read the scripture and you will see the obvious reference to homosexuality.
TS (inami): You have had Ezekiel explained to you multiple times, and yet you continue to block the Truth. The sins of Sodom listed do not even mention being gay as a one of them.
You forget that it was HETEROsexual men who were trying to RAPE the visitors as a sign of dominance and humiliation, a despicable practice done by ALL THE MEN OF THE CITY as the scripture says.
You seriously need to read the Bible!
Sandwindsor: Learn your Bible TS. S&G's sins are sexual. This has been explained to you several times.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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