David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com
I was curious when I saw a show called “American Dad” in the list of the worst shows on TV. FOX TV runs episodes of this program regularly. This particular episode is titled, “Toy Whorey.” In this episode a brother and sister are shown in bed together. The sister is sticking a thermometer in her brother's rear-end. When the father decides to take away his son's toys, the son pulls a gun on his father and shoots him. The father is mugged in the boy's room and then the father crawls out all fours, whimpering like a dog. Next, the father tells the son that he's taking him to a whore-house in Mexico for sex. After leaving three unsatisfactory brothels, the father expresses his frustration by saying that he really wanted to watch his son have sex with a prostitute. Then they meet a Mexican drug-cartel and relish in smelling each other flatulence. The show even mocks fathers by saying, “American dad cares!” The jerks behind the program series know that American dads in fact, DON'T CARE, and that's the big problem in America!
I was socked. I didn't realize how sicko, immoral and bad television has become. I've never really been a TV buff, but in just the few years that I haven't watched any TV it has changed 10,000%!!! I don't recognize one show on TV today. I'm happy about that. You can have the television, I don't need it. I'll spend my spare time learning, making music and working hard to build my ministry for the Lord. FOX features programs about serial killers, sex-perversion, you name it. No wonder America is getting worse and worse!
In another episode of American Dad called “Finger Lenting Good,” there's too much perversion to mention. A decrepit old man has a necklace of cut-off fingers around his neck. The old creepy man say he went on a sex-tour to Vietnam two years ago. While there he started cutting-off and collecting people's fingers. The old man says that he has installed cameras around the home, but didn't put any in the tampons. The saddest part of all is how many Americans flock to watch this sick-minded garbage. Tens-of-millions of viewers watch this garbage!!!
Show creator Seth MacFarlane is a professed, arrogant, defiant, atheist. Bill Maher recently invited Seth MacFarlane onto his show and they both rejoiced as atheists against God and the Bible. MacFarlane is also a staunch supporter of gay-rights. In recognition of “his active, passionate commitment to Humanist values, and his fearless support of equal marriage rights and other social justice issues,” MacFarlane was named the “Harvard Humanist Of The Year” in 2011. MacFarlane is also the biggest loser in God's view. It's important for my web visitors to realize that atheism and every form of wickedness go hand-in-hand. You won't find God in the booze-infested taverns. You won't find God in the adulterous nightclubs. You won't find the God of the Bible in the life of a homosexual.
When I first saw an episode of American Dad!, I knew that MacFarlane was far from God, and I was correct. MacFarlane denies God's existence altogether, which explains why he can produce such evil works like “American Dad!” The show mocks God and makes fun of Christianity regularly, as to be expected. It shouldn't come as a surprise that an atheist would be an active supporter of homosexuality.