@Fuck The Bible
"You are a well-known fraud, liar*, and public joke. Your behavior here is only a symptom of your much larger personal issues. Seek help, Doris. Your own husband is concerned about you."
@Crimson Lizard
"Holy crap on a cracker, doesn't this bitch know when she's lost? Anon-e-moose buries her under tons of evidence (and repeats it about ten times for the hard of understanding) and constant repetition of those weak sauce threats is all she can come up with? Talk about refusing to get the point."
More of your mental handicap emerging: Amnesia (when this whole issue has been dealt with - and you've been proved wrong years ago), and Dunning-Kruger Effect: the psychological inability to admit - when despite confronted with the evidence & facts that annihilate your 'argument' - you're wrong. And thus change your way of thinking completely.
Proof of your amnesia:
"I checked with my pastor on the sodomy issue, since it keeps coming up. I'm willing to drop it. He said that it shouldn't be taken literally"
And yet here you are bringing up the subject again.
So many times - including that CARM Forum thread - you've been proved wrong as to your subjective 'interpretation' of the Bible. A question for you, who has never studied Theology, unlike Professors who have, and for decades; all the myriad texts in Latin, Greek & Aramaic: So what are your grounds for making statements about what the Bible does or doesn't mean?
Anything & everything you 'claim', based on the subjective 'interpretation' of a book of fairytales - without a single shred of peer reviewed proof - by a proven mentally ill loony? (as testified by Fuck The Bible, backed up with video evidence via that YouTube clip which you initially lied about that not being you, yet your Dunning-Kruger Effect was beaten when you finally admitted it was you): that's fine if you want to believe that, Missy. Enjoy living in your fantasy world.
A world created by your subjective 'interpretation' of the Bible; you eisogesised Daniel to 'claim' that's what would happen to those not exactly like you. In contravention of Revelation 22:18-19, you added to the Bible, when it neved directly stated that: there's not so much as word one in Daniel of 'Sodomy', or even any historical citation of that being a practice by ancient armies, certainly in that part of Scripture.
Therefore, as you've done so with the Bible: putting words in that were never there; not even so much as the vaguest of implications, I have every right in the world to equally say that you have said 'Rape':
Also, despite removal (perhaps by you, to cover up more of your lies), I have the pages saved to screencap & further expose your lies:
Even Stevie Wonder can see that those commenters in that thread unanimously agree that you implied (with emphasis on the LIE, certainly such not even vaguely mentioned in Daniel, otherwise it would be directly) that what you were going on about - as the basis of your depraved 'Revenge Fantasy' - is RAPE. I refer you to Demon Duck of Doom's comments.
If you can add to the Bible, making it say things that it never did, otherwise it would openly, and with citations from proven historical fact, therefore we have more than every right in the world to point out what you're actually saying. Because as the Bible is full of lies, no wonder then, that you are the pathological LIAR you really are.
Otherwise, you'd provide us with hard, solid, empirical secular peer reviewed evidence to prove what the Bible claims (and you can start by making your 'God' appear to we Atheists a la Morgan Freeman in "Bruce Almighty" - now - otherwise you'll prove that he doesn't exist, thus all you fundies are LIARS), as well as peer reviewed evidence to back up everything you've 'claimed' since you first infected FSTDT. Get to it, Missy; you wouldn't want to further prove Fuck The Bible right about you being a liar, would you...?!
Well, in ancient cultures, during the time the Bible was written, it was commonplace for conquering armies to sodomize prisoners of war as a means of humiliation. A person who had been sodomized would be viewed as "unclean" (particularly in Israelite culture) and would therefore be cast out of their community
"...oh dear. She's reduced to using that load of BS again? And after I'd completely annihilated her 'argument' previously:
And while the thread no longer exists (probably because she was banned from CARM Forums for the exact same behaviour here; what she should be banned from here for: Trolling), I screencapped said thread for posteriority (See previous post)
As a reminder to those who joined FSTDT after the above, those on CARM Forums basically tore her a new one, doctrinally. Seems she has to invent history - as the Bronze Age goatfuckers did, re. the Bible; not a historically accurate document in itself - because there isn't a single fucking citation for such a practice she lies... er, I mean 'claims' in any peer reviewed historical document.
PROTIP: The Spartans/Sacred Band of Thebes practiced homosexuality. Alexander the Great was gay. King James I - the authoriser of the very basis of Protestant Christianity: your NIV is based on his KJV - was as gay as they come.
I'm afraid these historically accurate example blows your 'claims' - i.e. LIES. out of the water. As did those fundie Christians above, with your own lies. The proof is there."
Unless you can provide us with academic-sourced peer reviewed evidence of what you 'claim' happened with ancient armies & their prisoners: they being 'Sodomised', then, like the Bible: you're a LIAR.
How your Dunning-Kruger Effect-ed mind must've been metaphorically sodomised when you had to admit that Fuck The Bible was right about you being the vile slimebag in that YouTube clip. Y'know, it won't kill you to admit that everything you say, do & think is wrong in every conceivable way: only your so-called 'Pride' will be destroyed (it certainly never had the right to exist in the first place it wouldn't if you were the Christian you 'claim' you are, so there's another lie by you).
Earl Campbell isn't 'Prideful' like you. I bet he's admitted to mistakes he's done. He's only human. Human beings like him would never think of behaving the way you have, in public (as per that clip on YT) and for several years on the internet. Why should he? So what's your excuse? All it'd take is to destroy your so-call 'Pride' (which is a deadly sin), and admit you're wrong in word, action & thought.
'What my mom told me: "It takes a lot to be nasty to people, but it takes very little to be nice to people"'
- Earl Campbell
Earl is a humble man. Comes from being raised right by his mother, I guess.
*- Further proof of what a pathological liar you are:
As exposed by Distind.