Sgruber #racist

The problem with Lutheran Social Services is that it has swallowed a fundamental anthropological mistake.

The mistake that Negroes are humans.

It's the same mistake that the rest of the country has swallowed. Our culture is mixing shit and ice cream on the theory that they're both food.

Who made this mistake originally? There was always a bit of confusion over Negroes. They are anthropoids with the ability to speak and are adept emotional mimics. Rather higher on the scale than the apes who learn sign language, which we're always reading and hearing about ("I want bananas! That's not fair! I miss Koko!"). But it's the same scale. The main difference is the shape of the throat and the tongue.

Thomas Jefferson, in his "Notes on the State of Virginia," sums up his thoughts on Negroes after years of slavemastering them, i.e. using them primarily as farm animals. (His dirty cousin Randall probably fucked one or two, e.g. Sally H.) He describes them with an almost painful straightforwardness and bewilderment. They stink, he says, but are pretty good at singing and emotional oratory (fiery speeches). They have no deep imagination or intelligence. He concludes that Whites and blacks, if "equally free, cannot live in the same government."

Anthropologists were always a bit confused over Negroes, never flatly stating they aren't human, but treating them as if they were not fully human, nevertheless. The Constitution conceded to designate them as four-fifths human (a sop to the slave states, who wanted to count niggers as human so as to have more representation in the national legislature).

The confusion, and the slight embarrassment associated with it, was hardened and codified, however - the mistake was enshrined - by jew Franz Boaz, who said there is no such thing as race. Jew Boaz was an anthropologist who perverted anthropology from the physical school (fact-based) into the "cultural" school (bullshit-based). His bullshit line was called "cultural relativism." "Cultural relativism" says Negroes, Whites, whatever are the way they are because they were trained and raised that way. Given different training and raising, they could be anything. A Negro could be a scientist with a clipboard. A Jew could be a respected White. Black, red, Asian, brown could be "Americans" or "world citizens" in a proposition polity. Kumbayah!

But leopards cannot change their spots. Physical anthropology was science, but "cultural anthropology" was just jewish bullshit. (Jews live by conning and bullshit. They love "propositions," "cultural heuristics," "concepts," and yak.)

The physical anthropology, as well as the related empirical discipline of IQ testing, has shown us time and again than Negroes are far different than Whites. Their brains are different. (Rushton is just the tip of the iceberg. The Bell Curve is just the tip of that tip.)

Jews insisted - from every High, Middle, and Low Culture megaphone - and in every legislature - that Negroes and Whites were equally human. They jerked every tear they could for 100 years, "proving" to emotional old ladies and unworldly teens that ol' Boo was so ignorant and criminal only because the White Man kept him down with 400 years of slavery. (Didn't other Negroes also "keep" Negroes down - with 4,000 years of slavery? Not according to jew-produced entertainment and laws.)

So the races were mixed in America and elsewhere. They were "integrated." With the result that America has fallen apart since the 1960s.

Cities: destroyed because of Negroes and because of Whites fleeing them after suffering continual assault, robbery, and property destruction.

Crime: violent crime is statistically mostly a Negro problem. Google "The Color of Crime." Niggers = crime.

Education: standards decline every year in the fanatical attempt to mainstream non-humans. Just as well mix bonobos into classrooms.

Civility: "nigger normal" America has descended into the anomie and stupidity of a third-world nation. We're the Suweto ghetto with toys and deodorant - and trillions of dollars of debt.

Our nation tried (and is still trying, with a government gun to its head and hymns in its ears!) to mix shit and milk. We did not get a "milkshake," we got poison.

Negroes are not humans. For civilization to regain its health, they must be separated from us. For this to happen, we must first recognize (actually, acknowledge) they are not us.

Nothing goes right until we go White. As someone here said not a few times.

Given that jews took advantage of natural confusion and Christian squeamishness to ram niggers down our throats and into our schools, neighborhoods, and daughters' crotches, and given jews' evolutionary strategy of conquering and replacing the White race thereby - what other fails might be involved? The insanity of religion. Jewsus said we must love everybody as ourselves (both everybody "human" and jus' plain everybody, even animals, whom Catholics bless and religion-funky Whites legislatively advocate for with "animal rights").

Religion is bunk. Stories about a sky-boss and his Super Friends. The problem with it is it isn't factual. Believers don't believe on facts, but on faith. That attitude clouds the mind, undermines many mental defenses against enemies. We laugh - BWA HA! - at the maniac who hears invisible elves whispering advice to him. Yet, we nod solemnly and respectfully when someone describes his relationship to Jesus...and tells us the Holy Ghost/Christ/his pastor called him to adopt a Somali.

The Lutheran Social Service people can thus be explained by

1. Anthropological confusion. Negroes not hard-classified as not-humans.

2. Jews using this confusion to perpetrate the outrage of mixing niggers with humans.

3. Religion, which teaches non-fact non-think attitudes as guides to life. Creating sheep for shearing by the million. (What good are you, if you believe in ghosts?)

Solution: get rid of the jew. Get smart, hard-minded White men in charge. Then, sadder but wiser, we'll proceed to our destiny.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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