“Here's a theory to believe in God”
I know the hypothesis of gods. What i need is evidence for the hypothesis.
Or do you not know what a theory is?
“Go find urself a ghost to find and scare urself half to death and come back and tell me if u understand this world.”
I grew up in a haunted house. I believe in ghosts as a matter of personal experience, but i don’t know what they are. And i certainly don’t have any objective proof to offer anyone else to convince them ghosts are (something) real. But objective evidence of ghosts is not going to be evidence for gods.
"I'll bet you that u do not understand this world once you see a ghost...”
I would not claim to fully understand this world without a ghost. But that’s just a ‘god of the gaps’ argument. Try again.
“not just some wussy ghost like an orb or a cold spot, I mean an apparition or actually see a dark figure walking around that just came out of nowhere and bellows at you.”
Literally. Find something mysterious WITH an emotional reaction, then your god is a soothing fleece blankie. Not any more likely, and doesn’t explain manifestations, but it’s a comfort for weak people.
"Then start praying to whoever you want but dont pray to God to see what happens.”
So, wait, ghosts are scary, pray to Aphrodite and they’re still scary, but pray to God and you’ll feel better, therefore God is real?
Is that the prediction you’re making?
But what if my appeal to Aphrodite makes me feel better?
Or if praying to Jehovah doesn’t?
"No really go and do that...”
Redundant to upbringing. I went from Believer to Atheist in that haunted house.
“i hear England and all over Europe there are dozens of haunted places where u get so scared you piss urself.”
1) Haunted House, ages 5 to 17.
2) I’ve been to Stirling. A very hunted area, allegedly, and we were looking for ghosts. Still atheist.
3) I didn’t even piss my pants when i was sure the sub was sinking from all the water rushing in. I also didn’t pray.
4) Your appeal to an emotional reaction is noted, weighted, measured, and discarded with contempt.