Miscegenation- the great adulteration of the White Race. THE sin that YHWH God asked the Israelites (sons of Adam) to avoid, at all costs. Re-iterated in Christ’s day, and noted over and over again- the last time most vocally, by the South prior to 1960, and the Afrikaaners up to the 1980's.
Pastor Whitey is graciously demonstrating the "anything I personally don't like is a sin" principle.
Please continue pastor Whitey. It gives those of us who decry your faith as superstition that much more ammo.
@14739544: Actually, if one uses the same definitions as the US Census Bureau, then both Arabs and South Asians are indeed white. Of course, this has no intrinsic meaningrace is certainly largely a cultural construct and probably entirely so in the ways that matter. Still, the blind squirrel did manage to stumble across an acorn, even though said acorn was entirely unrelated to his (quite stupid) point.
An Irishman, a Pollack and an Italian walk into a bar....
They walk out again and they are still, none of them, "God's Chosen People."
Somehow, however, they think the Old Testament applies to them, and Adam and Jesus were some 14th Century Italian white dudes.
At this rate, how many racists does it take to make change for a light bulb?
"Miscegenation- the great adulteration of the White Race. THE sin that YHWH God asked the Israelites (sons of Adam) to avoid, at all costs."
The bible says whatever the reader imagines it says.
There is no such injunction in the Bible, only one against marrying polytheists or begetting illegitimate children with them, clearly an injunction not much obeyed. Polytheism, monotheism, and atheism aren't races, or even ethnicities. And the groups in the Fertile Crescent were, for the most part, physically and even linguistically akin. Abraham had likely been from an outgroup (Hurrian); the bulk of the "Hebrews" were Canaanites who had adopted monotheism, and the bulk of modern Jews include almost every physical type in the world.
An added note re: those Hurrians: they had the same heavily-lidded eyes we associate either with Assyrians or with sub-saharan Africans, but with a slant to them that would make the casual observer think of central Asia. The good Father would certainly class them as "not white". Yet their linguistic and ethnic kin, who display the same traits, are the Vainakh, who are, sensu strictu, "Caucasian"...
Please quote chapter and verse from a standard translation to support your statement.
You cannot do so, because the text says no such thing anywhere.
You are just another Nazi.
Israelis weren't White Aryans. They were Palistinian Jews. Faithful Jews at that time hated the Samaritan people,considering them to be half-breeds,bred by the miscegenation of captured Jews breeding with those heinous Samaritans. In fact, faithful Jews would actually take the long way around on their travels to avoid passing thru Samaria and interacting with Samaritan 'scum'.
Look up the parable of the Good Samaritan, and Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan women, and see Jesus' take on racism.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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