An iron law of human society is that the more women dominate an institution, the more worthless that institution is.
College is pretty damn worthless by that metric.
Yes, men should drop out and go search for trade schools to go to. We women will take care of the technical and scientific stuff.
"Shoots himself in foot" award?
By that token and following what patriarchs all want, families are a sh*tty institution, since they all want women to take care of families. So, why do they still defend families?
>Says the guy who barely scrapes by from posting hateful, misogynistic screeds on the Internet.
And yet, Fatt Forney says he's the smartest guy in the world.
I always point out that Fatt Forney looks a bit like that guy we all know whose every status update is whiny "friend zoned nice guy" bullshit and wondering, "Why do girls date jerks?"
In other words, the type of guy who will follow Roosh Vile's happy horseshit, bleating happily all the while.
Historically, any occupation done primarily by women has been devalued. Once it becomes open to women in significant numbers, they paid them less than men, and then there was a strong hiring bias towards women simply because they could get away with paying them less. This resulted in that form of work being done primarily by women.
And the usual excuse for paying women less? "Women work for themselves, men work for their families." Which was absolutely not true. If a woman was working, it was nearly always for her family, and sometimes as the sole breadwinner because her husband was mangled or killed in an industrial accident. Meanwhile a lot of working men either weren't yet married, or spent most of their money on drinking, gambling, and prostitutes while the wife kept the household (barely) financially afloat. ...Though I suspect that most of the people who used that excuse genuinely believed it, not knowing (or caring) that there was a huge difference in the lives of the "working class" and the "owner/manager class".
@ Doubting Thomas- Amen, brother!
Why any woman has anything to do with that party is beyond my comprehension.
I think we all know that Fatt Forney didn't even apply to college, probably because he was too busy jerking off to hentai.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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