Jay99 #racist stormfront.org
Race is rarely talked about at my school and when it is the teachers never say 'Race' or 'White' or 'Black' They just say minority and force more white guilt into our brains. We do religious studies but not Christianity. Every other religion apart from it and even the people who understand our race is dying don't care.
I've been in arguments with other students before and they just laugh and say "Your grandchildren will be Muslim". The youth of today are far to brainwashed and even if we can get the message across to them they won't care. They associate us with Hitler and the Nazi's because the school system tell them that to.
My school has like 600 people and maybe 20 of them are right wing but they still hates us and i would be the only one to consider myself White nationalist and from what I've seen across the rest of Scotland not many other young people like WN.