When Evolutionists say, "Evolution is a fact!" they might as well be saying, "Variations are a fact!" for that is all the evidence we see today from science. Yes, "variations" happen. No one is arguing with this. What we are disputing is the idea of "variations" leading to true Darwinian Evolution. This would be changing from one kind of animal into another kind of animal. When you teach this, you have stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction.
"This would be changing from one kind of animal into another kind of animal."
When you said this, you stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction.
@Mister Spak
Pokemon series says hi.
"When you teach this, you have stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction."
I'd love to say something about a shiny mirror, but you're not even doing science fiction. Magic man poofing everything into existence is fantasy.
By the way, what is a "kind"?
"I know nothing about evolution, but I know it's wrong." No, just stay there in the realm of magic and voodoo, and let the scientists take care of the science.
OK, so take hundreds or thousands of variations over a long period of time and then tell me that evolution doesn't happen. Once you admit that variations or mutations in species can happen, then you might as well admit that evolution is a fact, because that's how it works. It's not a dog giving birth to a cat. I mean really, saying that just makes you look stupid.
You've literally just said the mechanism behind evolution is fact. Evolution is not one variation of a creature becoming a different creature, its that variation giving birth to other variations, and in several generations of this, the variations no longer resemble the originator enough to be called the same species.
Don't think dogs into cats, think wolf into dog into poodle into whatever into something into ... into a whatnot that can't breed with wolves anymore.
Evolution doesn't take leaps, it shuffles along.
He considers evolution over millions of years to be science fiction yet considers it a fact that several thousand "kinds" of animals somehow "varied" into millions of separate species seen today (plus all of those that have gone extinct), and did all of this in 6000 years. Talk about science fiction...
Hey, Eric, are wolves and coyotes the same "kind"?
If so, you just admitted that humans and chimps are the same "kind", too.
Wolf and coyote DNA differs by about 6%; human and chimp DNA differs by about 2%. So if wolves and coyotes are the same "kind", so are humans and chimps.
Unlike your father who doesnt have a real doctoral degree, you dont even have a real high school degree/diploma. Yet, you teach science.....
Not sure, I dont even think Kent has a real 4 year degree either. Acquired from a non accredited xian place if I recall properly....I could be wrong.
No, when "evolutionists" say "Evolution is a fact", we might as well say "Gravity is a fact". Granted, ToG has less evidence in its favor than ToE, but still
Evolution isn't Darwin's anymore, silly boy; it has progressed so much since his day, that he would hardly recognize it. Or, are you saying that the idea of "variations" lead to true Lamarckian Evolution? Because that is the only time the distinction "Darwinian" is used by "evolutionists" (aka "people with high school education"); when you compare the two.
No-one is saying that one animal can turn into another animal. You seem to have a severe reading disability, dearie. The ToE is saying that over time (several generations) small changes in each generation will build up to greater changes.
When you teach what you said (or say that anyone is teaching that), you're about as close to reality as your relative Kenny-poo's tax-returns.
Has any Hovind ever been inside the realm of science? They seem to stick to the fantasy realm of religion.
When you teach this, you have stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction.
Good job that isn't what Darwin said.
“When Evolutionists say, "Evolution is a fact!" they might as well be saying, "Variations are a fact!" for that is all the evidence we see today from science.”
Except it’s not.
“Yes, "variations" happen. No one is arguing with this. What we are disputing is the idea of "variations" leading to true Darwinian Evolution.”
True evolution is more than just variations, though.
"This would be changing from one kind of animal into another kind of animal.”
True evolutionary theory is not expressed in ‘kinds’ of animals, though.
“When you teach this, you have stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction.”
Wrong again. Science IS stepping outside what creationists are willing to accept. Pretty much by definition.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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