14Portuguese88 and Tenniel and FreeByrd #racist stormfront.org
(14Portuguese88): It's breathtaking how most people believe that the White Race (and all the other races) came from Negroes and that we are basically Black people with White skin. Obviously, most of these people don't even have a basic knowledge about Anthropology nor do they even care about it.
(Tenniel): The White race is the most generalized race, proving, in itself, that the White race is the oldest race -- AND was the first modern human (negroes never made it to modern human/orientals did). (Micro-)evolution (probably the only kind of evolution) goes from generalized to specialized -- NOT the other way around. Negroes and Orientals are SPECIALIZED adaptations to their environments -- one heat-specialized, the other cold-specialized.
(FreeByrd): I agree with most of what you say here, except the part about the White race being the oldest of races. That isn't the way evolution works. The youngest species is usually the most advanced of the species, with the oldest being the least advanced. An I believe we all agree that the negro is the least advanced of any of the human family. Only slight more advanced than a chimpanzee.
Note: don't hold me to that last part. I'm not 100% that I haven't wronged the chimp with that statement.
As for what you propose about mongoloid and negros being a specialized species. Yes, I can see that. The negro never really does well out side his native environment of Africa. I've even go so far as to propose that the negro is at his end of his understanding of an advanced civilization. Soon as our technological and social advancement will be beyond their ability to understand. Nature has slated the negro for extinction.
Yes, I know we are supposed to keep that White Supremacist stuff under the table. By hey, lets not kid ourselves.