The only reason I can think of for homosexuals to adopt children is because they want to have sex with them.
Before everyone gets all nuts on me look at the first man to adopt children in Florida. Then he went to jail for molesting them.
Besides that homosexuality is an abberation and children shouldn't be turned over to abberrant people to rear.
Or let's talk of the many stories where many children were adopted out to a "good Christian family" and many years of abuse went on, not dealt with because "good Christian family" until arrests occured finally and we hear about them maybe once on a news report.
Or the many reports of clergy (ALL denominations) who molest children for years and recieve MAYBE a slap on the wrist or a villa in France for their comfy retirement.
Whereas you had to really dig to find that case,,if indeed you actually found what you say but let's give you the benifit of doubt as it's not unlikely.
Was he gay, or did you assume that? Who up high in goverment or perhaps influencal church was he related to to gain the honor of "first man to adopt children".
"Because as we all know: Nobody ever adopts a child to raise them as a member of their family."
Remember, to a fundie, "family = mom + dad", so since a homosexual person of either gender isn't shacking up with someone of the opposite gender like gawd says s/he should, s/he clearly isn't trying to build a family. *smh*
@ Da Rat Bastid
Remember, those same fundies also tend to believe that a man and a woman who do not procreate have no business adopting children either. In their twisted, convoluted logic it is somehow selfish not to be constantly pregnant and instead opting to raise a child not born of you. In fact, this warped logic seems to apply to parents who do have children of their own as well and it garners confusion and suspicion if the adopted child is actually regarded the same as blood kin rather than being marked for their adopted status. It's really quite the mindscrew and utterly unnerving.
"to a fundie, "family = mom + dad""
Or to be 100% accurate: "family = mom + dad + children mom has had by dad, children ideally conceived AFTER them getting married. Dad is breadwinner, mom is homemaker!" Any household not fitting this description to a T is, as far as fundies are concerned, Not A Family.
I haven't been able to verify your claim, but in 2007, there were 270,000 children in the United States who lived with same-sex couples. Of these, one-quarter, or 65,000, were adopted. (^ Romero, Adam, Census Snapshot, Williams Institute, December 2007)
So clearly your single anecdote even if true indicates nothing more than that you have no sense of proportion. It says nothing about gays as a group, but it says a lot about you as an individual. It says you are irrational.
OK, so then the only reason for striaght men to adopt girls is to have sex with them. Have you adopted any female children, you sick SOB?
And abberrant people? You mean people who will starve them, beat them or rape them? Look at the stats, you moron. The people children in protection need to look out for are straight men who are attched to some sort of church. That is the real source of pedos. Or did you think gay men suddenly changed their preference when confronted by girls?
"The only reason I can think of for homosexuals to adopt children is because they want to have sex with them."
Well, that's largely because you have the imagination and deductive reasoning skills of a stale hot dog bun.
You have a really sick mind, friend. By that stellar logic men only ever have an interest in being parents and role models because they want to molest kids.
Being gay is not aberrant. Only bigots refuse to accept GLBT people for who they are and that's their problem. The majority of same sex couples that have children take very good care of them and those children can be better off than kids in straight families.
The only reason I can think of for homosexuals to adopt children, is the exact same reason heterosexuals probably adopt children; because they like children and want to provide an orphan with a home.
If YOU immediately think of sex when you think of children, then that says more about YOU than it does about homosexuals.
Citation for the molester in Florida, please.
Homosexuality is a natural variation of sexual orientation.
Could you please make up your mind how to spell aberration, please?
Was that "rear" a Freudian slip or what? Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
If that's the only reason you can think of the problem is yours. Homosexuality and pedophilia are not the same thing. Fundies like to count them as the same thing to demonize Gays.
Now as someone who was a ward of the state for half his child hood I would think that a same sex family would be a better place then an over cramped state ran group home where the parental figures are employees and not actual parents. People who take care of kids because it's a job and not because they want to.
Yeah that's not the type of situation that's good for kids. A home with two loving moms or two loving dads would be better then that.
I think you meant "abhorrent," as in, "People that can only think of one reason why a Gay couple want to adopt children are abhorrent. Children shouldn't be turned over to abhorrent people to rear."
It makes so much more sense that way.... Also, please do not spawn.
If molesting children is that serious of a concern when considering adoption law, maybe we should make it so nobody can adopt children of the gender to which they are attracted. Of course, that will mean that heterosexual couples can never adopt, and homosexual couples could.
So...a SINGLE homosexual abuses a child, and clearly it means all homosexuals are out to rape kids.
However, a straight man does the same thing, and he's just a very bad person.
A bad apple spoils the bunch. Unless it's your bunch, of course.
If that's the only reason you can think of then it's your problem for confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. Since most pedophiles are actually heterosexual you'd be much better of to keep all straight people from adopting, using your twisted logic.
Yeah, because clearly since one man adopted children and molested them (assuming this is true) that must mean no men should ever be able to adopt.
An aberration is simply a deviation from the norm in society. Following this line of thinking no minority of any kind should adopt children. And by the way, it seems like homophobia is quickly becoming an aberration to the norm. Maybe people like you shouldn't be able to adopt children then.
Right, like anti-gay activist Butch Kemmerling, who saved a girl from the horrible fate of being adopted by a gay couple, then was later sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting her.
Re the Florida molester: FloriDUH has more than its fair share of weirdos, deadbeats, violent loons, and, yes, molesters.
That said: Link to an article in a major Florida newspaper (Miami Herald, Orlando Sentinel, Tampa Bay Times, eg), or it didn't happen.
[SpukiKitty wrote this. Forgot to Sign-In because she's an absent-minded doofy-head.]
Really! It's as old & stale as Strom Thurmond's corpse! Stop!
I think they resort to this because the old "Cuz Almighty Gourd said so" chestnut wasn't working.
It's all really stupid.
Give it up, frummies! The mythical dark evil Liberace clone is not going rape you in your sleep like some sex-offender bogeyman!
Really? Hetero couples are the paragon of morality? Why don't you tell that to Hana Williams, who was adopted by a heterosexual couple?
...Oh wait. You can't. Because Hana was essentially tortured to death by good ole Christians. Fuck, I can probably find more cases of kids being beaten/tortured, etc by heterosexual couples than homosexual ones.
That entire thread is rife with FSTDT-worthy material.
Lots of history revision, logical fallacies, and outright lies. One of the most blatant being that there are no foster children aging out of the system, and that are isn't a lack of adopting parents for foster kids.
These people don't live in our reality.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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