In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
There is NO good reason to elevate homosexuals (the most celebrated group of people in America today) by giving them special protection against discrimination–something that does not exist!
The only purpose I can see for elevating homosexuals by adding “sexual orientation” to the list of enumerated groups contained in anti-discrimination laws is to mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry.
If there is no discrimination, how can they be given special protection against discrimination?
So, no homosexual has ever been refused a wedding cake, nor prohibited from renting a wedding venue? No homosexuals are called "dirty faggots" or "limp-wristed queers"? No gay has ever been tied to a fence, beaten up and left to die?
If there is no discrimination against gay people, how can it be enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry to include gay people in anti-discrimination laws? It ought not to change anything, as there is no discrimination happening anyway, according to you.
"The only purpose I can see for elevating homosexuals by adding “sexual orientation” to the list of enumerated groups contained in anti-discrimination laws is to mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry."
Ah, finally! An open admission that preventing bigotry and discrimination against homosexuals is itself discrimination against christians. If this is indeed the case, then your idiotic religion deserves to be discriminated against. I'm tired of religion being put on a pedestal above everything else with a big "DO NOT TOUCH!" sign put in front of it. If religion and the laws and principles of civilized society are found to be incompatible with each other, then it's religion that should be forced to change or made subservient to the laws of society, not vice versa.
"In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against."
So, saying that discrimination against gays is bad is itself Christian bigotry?
I wish we had another word besides "Christian." Not all Christians are ass wipes like this guy.
Uh ... if they're not being discriminated against, then how does it matter whether they get "special protection" against discrimination or not? I mean, it would be like passing a law against keeping a T-Rex in a residential neighborhood.
... mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry.
"Anti-Christian bigotry" - that's a law against Christian bigotry, right? And do you mean "Christians" or wack-job fundamentalist Christians? The latter is a much smaller group.
In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
Are there televangelists who say "Gobs hates straights?" How about laws against opposite-sex marriage? Is there a significant undercurrent of straight-bullying in schools? How about people who want to advocate capital punishment for straight sex?
I generally call these non-Christ-like types Chri-stains.
Apparently truth offends "Truth Offends". If, as you say, homosexuals are not being discriminated against, then an anti discrimination law WILL DO NOTHING. It won't harm you at all, in any way. If they get a "special protection" and there is no discrimination, then it's a law that will never be enforced. So why the objections? The only reason I can think of to object to such a law is that you want to be free to continue to discriminate. No.
In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
Except for still not having the right to marry in some states, and even in some states where they can legally marry, they have no protection from being fired just for being gay.
special protection against discriminationsomething that does not exist!
You said it, I didn't. They want equal protection against discrimination, not special protection.
The only purpose I can see for elevating homosexuals by adding “sexual orientation” to the list of enumerated groups contained in anti-discrimination laws is to mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry.
Where is it stated (other than by fundies, of course) that homosexuality is the polar opposite of Christianity? And how exactly is protecting gay people from discrimination enforcement of bigotry against Christians? It's like you're admitting that one of the missions of Christianity is to unfairly persecute gay people.
According to FBI statistics, you are over 14 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime for being LGBTQ than for being Christian. When it's the other way round, we'll talk seriously about the "celebration" of homosexuals and "anti-Christian bigotry." This, by the way, is a rhetoric highly reminiscent of that used by Milosevic's supporters against Kosovo Albanians in the run-up to the 1998/99 war.
Yeah, and there's no racism or sexism either, right, asshole? If you want to see "anti-Christian bigotry", go to Saudi Arabia or Iran, or even Burma. You're doing just fine here, dumbass. Go fuck yourself.
Homosexuals have been discriminated against in the USA, and still are to a slightly lesser extent; many states still refuse to acknowledge same-sex relationships as equal to heterosexual ones, many companies headed by religious bigots still refuse to cater for them, and many are ashamed of their sexuality. You can play the martyr for opposing this, but this will, in the long term, put you on what will be viewed as the wrong side of history, provided that the progress in LGBT rights continues in the same manner as it has in the last few decades. Don't like this? Then tough, truth hurts!
homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
*sigh* Yes, they are. When you start with an untrue premise, everything after it can be dismissed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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