whistlerx86 #fundie #homophobia cracked.com

No. Homosexuality, soon, will become something normal, natural and not a disgrace that it is. Our kids learn much more from tv and street people, than from parents or church. This is what i meant.

[Homosexuality is not a disgrace in any way either. What is wrong with it?]

"what is wrong with it?" Well, i guess that you don't believe in God. Or you don't believe in normality. You don't even believe in the dictionary... search marriage in it. This is not about love, it's about lust and perversion. It's nothing wrong in a man loving a man, but not in a sexual way. Soon there will be a media war, that will say that people like me are against love, that is not true. Maybe you'll understand when your son/daughter will come home with his/her choice and it will be the same sex.



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