Roo #racist
Bullcrap. Detroit? Women of color are far more likely to be prostitutes and/or high as a kite at any given moment of the day. Black women, especially, with their high levels of testosterone and desire to have as many children as possible for the welfare gibs, will boink anything with a penis. There's a reason they're always on TV getting paternity tests from a half dozen different men.
I don't need to explain why these can all be very problematic when trying to get to the bottom of a rape case. Semen samples from those test kits probably reveal more than one origin, and at least one of those originators are probably already in jail for armed robbery or something.
As bad as some white women get these days, we will NEVER misbehave to the extent that black women will. It's not even close. Anyone doubting that should go hang out in a majority white town, then spend some time in a majority black town and compare the two. It's no contest. You'd have to hold a white woman against her will and force-feed her opiates to get her anywhere near what black women will do without a lot of coaxing.