if God didn't exist, there would be no emotion!! Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain? Come on!!
Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain? Why yes, yes I do. That doesn't mean I don't have that love, it simply means I know what the love is represented as. How does that change anything?
Ah, come on now! Just because love may have a physical/biological basis doesn't make it any less meaningful! In fact, humans have a physical and psychological need for love and close relationships. We don't develop properly without it. That's how advantageous it must be for us to love each other - it has been such a part of our evolution that we have developed a deep need for it.
That's part of it, sure.
Some of it is the empathy that humans are supposed to have for each other naturally, and not only through majic and threats. You see, not being a sociopath, I actually enjoy people and their company. After a time, there is a relaxed point in a relationship that one feels a bonding and kinship to another. I, for example, wouldn't want this person to be hurt mentally or physically in any way. That didn't require anybody to go to church or pray. Idden that neat?
Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain? No, I don't 'think' it's my brain processing stimuli. I know it's my brain processing stimuli. And I'm dang proud of having a computer so incredibly powerful inside of me. Every human and species is a masterpiece, and I find that it makes my world thousand times better.
We've evolved into the millions of species in the world.
We've developed cities, societies, laws, and order.
Humans, and the bacteria and viruses that went with us, have left the planet we started out on and landed on our moon. We have launched animals and ourselves into space and landed on other planets.
All on our own.
Excuse me, but how is my world more stale and meaningless than a religious person's again? Better to have done something on your own, than to have been guided every second of the way.
"Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain?"
Does the fact that your memories are composed up of chemical reactions in the brain make them any less important to you?
I have to admit, sometimes the incredulous way these people say things makes me feel a bit strange, as if I shouldn't be thinking something that is so obviously fact. Like if they said, "Without God, the sky would be green! Do you think that the blue color of the sky could just be caused by the refraction of LIGHT??!"
Uh... yes?
"Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain?"
Since all perception is processed (and thus perceived) in the brain, then yes.
See? The simplest answers are the best. What, you think that, like the ancient Egyptians, the 'heart' is the centre of human experience? You fundies always bang on about your Jesus 'entering your heart*' and all that bollocks. In that case, better sit down. I have some bad news for you:
PROTIP: The heart is just a blood pump. Nothing more It has no relevance to neural activity (and thus life experiences), other than maintaining blood supply - and thus oxygen - in the brain (as well as the rrest of the body).
And I thought you fundies thought ancient Egyptian burial practices were pagan and thus Satanic? In that case, when you arrange for your funeral (coffin, headstone etc), better include the making of Canopic Jars, pal.
My parents' cats show love, happiness, anger, and other emotions. We've seen them grieve over the loss of a friend, and one mourned my grandfather's passing a few years ago. I don't know any of them to believe in God. They never say Grace before meals, nor do they pray before going to bed. So they, like me, have found it possible to be an emotional, loving, social animal without believing in God.
“if God didn't exist, there would be no emotion!”
And you can show this…how?
I feel that you’re just attributing shit to your invisible friend because it makes you feel secure.
“Do you think your love for an individual is just a chemical exchange in your brain? Come on!!”
Yes. I was 20 years in the Navy. Seen the emotional swings of a LOT of meh when they had the chance to alter the chemicals in their brains.
The more polluted, the wilder the emotions.
If they come from anything BUT brain chemicals, feel free to show teh slightest reason to think so…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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