Purple Girl #racist stormfront.org
[OP of "How can we stop nosiness and forced, unwanted help from Blacks?"]
From observations, Black and low class people are more likely to force unwanted help on others and treat others like they are stupid. I don't know why they do that, and why they are too stupid to ignore strangers. If we Whites are their enemies, wicked, evil, racists, etc., they why are so desperate to force help on us, interact with us, treat us like we are stupid, etc? If they would care ONLY about themselves or at least people of their own color, then there would be less hatred and resentment between the races.
To be clear, forced help is when someone forcing something on you without your prior consent and no way to opt out. It's not the same as offered help. Nor for the purposes of this thread are we discussing emergency help. If someone is trapped in an unsafe location (eg., a crashed car or burning building) or drowning, then by all means, rescue them to a reasonable extent that's possible. Nor does the term "forced help" include things that are so customary or minor that nobody can reasonably reject, such as removing obvious litter from someone's yard, clearing a driveway, free refills in a restaurant, etc.
Here's an example. Jennifer* needed to go to court a couple of weeks back. She had her heart set on checking the door herself and not knowing whether they were open or closed until she reached the door and read it, maybe even pulled at the door. Now how would that harm anyone else? How is that ANY Black person's damn business? What harm would it do for Jennifer to walk the full distance, unassisted? It wouldn't have relieved her of even a pound of her 20-25 pounds of excess weight. No sooner than she got there and started walking in that direction, some Black woman told her that they court was closed. To Jennifer, it was not the fact of checking it herself that was important, though she certainly verified that in front of the nosy, meddling Black woman who was too rude to ignore strangers and trust others to run their own lives. No, for Jennifer, it was about the principle of the matter and the chance to live life as an adventure. It was important for her to not know until she discovered it herself, using her own effort.
So how can we stop such things and force Black strangers to ignore us and see us as irrelevant? If their lives truly mattered, then why must they meddle in ours?
* - Name changed to protect the innocent.