PestyWorlock #racist
I'm from 4chan, something important to say about Stormfront
I don't usually browse this site at all, but all I know is this site is where all nationalists/right-wingers from /pol/ originally came from. /pol/ and this site has becoming a massive influence on 4chan and imageboard culture in general. Not only that, /pol/ and Stromfront also influenced the mainstream social media site as well too. White nationalism became mainstream all thanks to /pol/ and Stormfront.
Now all you see on 4chan, the majority of users from all boards on 4chan claim themselves to be the "saviour of the western culture". Funny thing is /pol/ is a hated board from the rest of other boards from 4chan even though there's already dozens of nationalists on this site. White nationalism/rightism literally influenced 4chan, Reddit, YouTube, hell even teens/young alduts from Facebook, Youtube comment section, Instragam claim themselves to be nationalists all thanks to /pol/ and you guys.
Well 4chan is a center of internet sub-cultures so it makes sense how white nationalism became popular on the mainstream internet. At this point I though you guys were kind of freaks, but I realise that you were right all along, you spoke truth about the mainstream media and the government all along. You guys were actually right, the jews are ruling the world and they're trying to destroy us, Holocaust is actually a hoax, Hitler actually protected Europe against the zionist bankers.
At this point several months later after I started browisng and lurking /pol/, I realize that the you right-wingers/nationalists actually spoke the truth all along. Yes of course there's mass immigration and cultural marxism in all western countries, you guys were right all along. You people were the good guys all along and I already know it. White nationalism became a popular sub-culture on the mainstream internet and more and more people became open-minded. I mean look at the majority of videos promoting liberalism on YouTube, read the comment section and you see teens/young alduts become one of you started to understanding the world.
How does it make you feel that nationalism became popular on the internet and influenced 4chan and other mainstream websites. /pol/ has been flooding by shills and became a crappy board. I'm not really considered myself as a white nationalist, but I wanted to say to all the nationalists here, keep the good work and keep spread the truth.
Thank you /pol/
Sincerly fellow anon from 4chan