SISwaffen #racist
Look at the timeline of history. Look at the dates of everything. The world wars, the founding of the ADL, NAACP and other Jewish actions. BET is owned by Jews.
You will know them by their actions. Look at the dates of The massive white genocide in Russia and the east.
Then fast forward all the way and look at the media, movies and porn. Look at feminism. Who created it and why. Look at how feminism isn't about women, it's about open borders to people who kill white women. Not a word.
Look at what happens when you elect a white man who says stop the invasion of the USA and Europe. Stop killing yourself, is enough to bring hell upon him. Why are they so concerned about Russia. Why do they want your guns, but want more gangs who use the guns to murder on a mass scale.
It all goes back to 100 years ago when they declared war against whites. Put it all together.