[Mr. Coulter comments on California and Florida suspending the death penalty. He is now permanently banned.]
OOOOOO!OOOOOOO!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!*raising hand enthusiasticly* I have the answer! I have the answer! Here is what we do. Though hangings and beheading are sure and swift, the sissy pro-criminal crowd would be too squeamish about that. So, we get the most finest lethal hand cannons on the market, the .45 or .44 magnum. BUT, we employ equal opportunity. The death squad needs to hire a cross-eyed, paraplegic minority woman to pull the trigger. Even a glancing hit to the skull with those hand cannons would be lethal. And if she missed all together, FIRE 2! Here is where the EEO maneuver comes to play. Who would DARE question her(the trigger lady) or her means as cruel and unusual? Who? The death squad would have a public relations gem! They could say, "Just because she is in a wheelchair, that doesn't mean she cant pull the trigger. So she missed with the first shot, doesn't everybody deserve a second chance, huh? Besides, what are you an 'anti-handicapped racists'?" See, you threatenly throw that slanderous remark out there for even critiquing the skills of the disadvantaged. AND we save the states money for maintaining expensive death chambers and death serums.
And to create an impact on the deterrent of death penalty crimes, we sell tickets to private screenings of the administered justice. The Indians did that for the upcoming Saddam hanging. They sold-out.
Can you believe this scum bags family(the Florida death row inmate) had the gall to say they executed him twice, TWICE! How the hell do you do that? Maybe they are trying to make me laugh, but it didn't work.hehehe
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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