Even if they are born as gays (I have yet to see any concrete evidence of this) research shows that a homosexual can change orientation as many as eight times during their life and it is true that some heterosexuals have orientation changes as well.
So then homosexuality is simply a lifestyle choice and it is one that will cause severe social problems in the near future.
Toleration is a joke. If you think everyone should be tolerated equally then you go to the prisons and free everyone because people in jail are being discriminated against and that is a hate crime.
Homosexuality defies institution of marriage. This creates the perfect environment to raise a suicidal, abused, or neglected child. This results in a higher rate of crime amongst minors and will create vicious adult criminals. Marriage is the underlying fabric of society and without it we will end up in perpetual civil war.
It is true that the family system is failing but is that a reason to add to its demise?
My point is that we all have to make judgements or else our society will die. You admit to judging when children are involved, does that make you homophobic if an adult gay has a sexual relation with a minor? The problem we face is that homosexuality is a gateway to other more disturbing sexual relations. You judge one because you think it is worse. I judge both because one leads to the other. I am not homophobic I work with a few gay people (really nice guys) one of my best friends in high school was gay. The issue does not lie with the individual but the lifestyle.
What people don’t consider is that the acceptance of same sex marriage actually stops heterosexuals from marrying; this causes children to grow up in a more unstable environment. Marriage has already been a crumbling idea but now it is just been made a complete joke http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/p/purcell/2005/purcell081105.htm
Two straight men are going to get married so that they can get some tax breaks and other benefits tied into marriage. And get this “News of the pending engagement didn’t sit well with same-sex marriage activist Bruce Walker, a Toronto lawyer. He complained that marriage should be for love.” Is Bruce upset that straight men benefit from his fight?
all that a group need to do is convince people that they are being discriminated against. If suddenly there is a threat of committing a hate crime people will openly accept that which they disagree with otherwise they risk being intolerant. If pedophiles can ‘prove’ they are born that way then they have as much legal standing as gays do.
[i bet ethereal is homophobic too.... ]
ou just lost yourself a bet. See this is the kind of logic that perpetuates hate. Some gays choose to make themselves martyrs in an attempt to justify their acts. It’s just a blame game. I am entitled to all the opinions I want and if you don’t like it then maybe you are intolerant
[they had the courage to stand up to their most likely homophobic parents and say “i’m gay”. that’s more than the people who discriminate against them can say.]
Not true the people who discriminate against them stand up to the majority and get labelled intolerant. And being intolerant is a much worse label to live with.
I struggled with sexual identity for a few years. I was often considered gay by those who didn’t know me and I believed that I was really a woman in a man’s body. This was likely a result of gender roles that have been arbitrarily exaggerated and thus causing this confusion. I consciously choose to be straight because it made the most sense to me and I have been perfectly happy with that decision.
Being genetic does not make sense, being a chemical imbalance in the brain does make sense but then that would make being gay a medical condition.