
Hapafeminism #fundie hapafeminism.tumblr.com

Re: No Sex in the City: What It’s Like to Be Female and Foreign in Japan

This article gets posted constantly on MGTOW blogs. Its seen as proof that white women are jealous and bitter about WMAF. Many MGTOWs romanticize Fascist Japan, as a reverse shadow world, where it is the white women who are lonely and alone.

For me the line that stuck at me the most was

“what did it matter if their peculiar quirks and bizarre comments got lost in translation a little? Even the socially awkward deserved to love and be loved.”

She reduces the misogyny of the white males who seek out Geisha dolls in Patriarchal Japan to “social awkwardness”. Contrary to what the MGTOWs say, she is not bitter or angry at the arrangement. She is happy that the biggest losers of western society have finally found women low enough to stoop to their level.

And I have found that this is the general attitude of white women towards WMAF, a benign neglect. Who am I to judge?

Some might see this as an admirable tolerant attitude. But let us not forget that relationships are not a victimless crime. There is a third party involved- the Hapa children. And because white girls are so high-minded and indifferent about WMAF, they are letting horrible Hapa slavery be committed right before their eyes.

As a colored woman forced to submit to the dictates of my sexist and racist WMAF parents, this is exactly how I feel- a slave. I’m a slave to imperialism and patriarchy. I was born out of a relationship that is explicitly anti-feminist. And it chills me to the bones.

Even on a supposed Feminist site like Jezebel, Korean women casually relate replaying such erotic thrillers like the warcrimes and rape of My Lai.

“One man’s sexytalk, for want of a better word, was very racially charged in a very icky sort of way, and his favourite thing to do was, I can’t believe I’m telling the internet this, white-solder/Asian prisoner roleplays. I put up with it, guiltily, wondering whether I was just being too sensitive, too prudish, and telling myself that I couldn’t afford to be so choosy and sticks and stones etc, etc, etc, and didn’t really have any close friends who could relate that I could talk about it with. I was kind of grateful when he cheated and I was able to leap onto that as a cogent identifiable relatable reason to kick him to the kerb.”

Is there any shock and horror about war crime rapes being played as sexytalk by colored women?

No, that is just the quirky awkwardness of white men in WMAF. White women are just glad that even losers like him can find love.

And how will his Eurasian daughters feel?

It is fitting to me that, the Vietnam hooker from Full Metal Jacket, with such classic lines as ‘me so horny sucky sucky two dollars’ is not a full Asian women, but a Eurasian daughter.


I feel disgust and shame about being born out of such a hate-filled sexist relationship. It defiles me as a woman. I just can’t escape it. It is everywhere I go. Even on Tumblr. I'm continuously being triggered.

I can’t escape who I’m. All I can do is promise to myself that I will never be my mother. Life as a Hapa Female in America is becoming an impossibility for me. I refuse to live my mother’s choices. I need to escape somehow. I refuse to be the daughter of my mother. I will never become her. I just feel so creeped out by my dad. I’m so terribly alone. Surrounded by men who hate me. Life in this country is undesirable for a Hapa girl. White women are not going to ride in to the rescue and save me.

What are we Eurasians going to do? How can we live knowing where our origins lie? The anguish, torment, agony. Existing to be a victim for men. It is driving me into insanity. I’m not a healthy woman.

hapafeminism #sexist hapafeminism.tumblr.com

The Feminist voice in the Eurasian movement

Over the last couple of years there has been a rise of a Eurasian movement. I think this is a positive development. Despite the paranoia among MRAs about white feminists attacking the WMAF relationship as exploitative and misogynist, the fact is SJWs have tiptoed remarkably gingerly around the elephant in the room of WMAF Patriarchy. They still see race relations along the lines of Black-White. And don’t want to be accused of being Rednecks raging about white women dating black men. Even though the structural power relations are entirely different in the case of WMAF.

This is why as a Hapa Feminist, I considered it a progressive occurrence that the children of WMAF were rising up against their own parents, and speaking truth to power. They were abandoning any Confucian notions of filial piety and having a revolution against their own parents.

What concerns me as a woman and a feminist however, is that the voice of the Eurasian Female has largely been left out. There is a widespread consensus among both pro and anti WMAF forces, that Eurasian daughters turn out just fine. Sure Eurasian sons might suffer oppression and humiliation. But Eurasian daughters can always be a sextoy and porn star, so what do they have to worry about? Now I admit there are certain Hapa girls, who are unable to escape the matrix of ideology and do submit to this role. But it is wrong to typecast all Hapa girls with this. And it is not exactly a privilege to be used as a sexual object by men. Eurasian women are just as dehumanized by white society as hapa men are.

I don’t deny that WMAF is an attack on Asian and Eurasian men. An attempt to emasculate and castrate them. BUT, if you actually read a WMAF blog, you will see the vast majority of the vile hate is directed against “white”, "western", “american” women. It is funny, since these MRAs are White Nationalists and American Patriots. But when it comes to women, suddenly these terms become epithets. WMAF is the product of the Boycott American Women movement. IMHO it is more about hating white and eurasian women, than asian and eurasian men.

I don’t want to turn this into an oppression olympics. I appreciate the lived-experiences of my Hapa brothers. But they need to recognize that WMAF is primarily an anti-woman crusade. And so if you are a Eurasian women, who identifies as an American woman, like me, you will feel very oppressed, humiliated, sexually degraded, by your own WMAF parents. I have never felt comfortable around my white dad, do to the sexualized nature of relations between young asian girls and older white men. Even before I became a Feminist, and had ideological reasons to justify it, I just knew there was something creepy and wrong about being seen with my white dad.

I hope this blog will be able to challenge sexist misconceptions both within the WMAF and Eurasian movements, that everything is A-OK for Eurasian women. We are in our own ways oppressed by the WMAF Patriarchy and our voice needs to be heard.