Edward Martel #wingnut #racist whitepeoplepress.com
Centuries from now, Ethnopolis is the jewel in the crown of Regnum Europa—the future high-tech and hierarchical kingdom established, maintained, and defended collectively by European peoples. [...] Ethnopolis explores the capabilities of a unified Europe—unlike the antique Union of yesteryear, with its outdated socioeconomic systems—under the control of a superstate whose greatness was born of immense struggle. This struggle began when the peoples of Europe realized their destiny differed from that of the foreign elite and sought to break away from the old globalist order.
In Ethnopolis, the globalists continue to integrate the races of man into one and turn them into hive-dwelling, virtual-pleasure-seeking, gender-confused slaves, endlessly consuming under quarantine. The Kadmon Alliance is the new internationalist regime, responsible for organizing the world into economic “Zones.” The Zones have introduced a soft form of corporate, bureaucratic, and neobanking hegemony whose enduring power is reliant on a police state, pacification drugs administered to the populace, and mass surveillance. Restless crowds are controlled by drones that release sedating chemicals, “Psy-caps,” short for psycho-capitulation medication, are force-fed to dissidents, widespread degeneracy has been unleashed on the public, and between required miscegenation and abortion policies, the remaining White population in the Zones struggle for their very survival. [...]