No human offspring has ever resulted from any homosexual behavior.
Thus those who engage in homosexual behavior, if they wish to perpetuate homosexual behavior among human society, must turn to indoctrination instead. As such, one technique of indoctrination they can employ is to deny children an environment of a father and a mother, and compel them instead to be raised in an environment of two practicing homosexuals, and to attempt to teach those children that such an environment is "normal" or "acceptable".
If it were a choice, you might have a point (though it's not only gays who attempt to teach children that such an environment is acceptable). Most evidence indicates it's physiological - not something you can just choose on a whim.
Furthermore, I don't think most gays really care whether you're gay or not (unless they think you're hot, but they're not likely to try to change it if you aren't gay). All they want is to be able to live their lives in peace and not as second-class citizens.
Curious that conservatives are always talking about "gay agendas" and "indoctrination." Indoctrination is what got us into this homophobic mire in the first place. If the church and other conservative groups hadn't been indoctrinating their children for generations with the idea that homosexuality is some huge evil, perhaps homosexual love wouldn't be so threatening to them now.
Dyke, three kids, all straight, where did I go wrong? I'll tell you where; nobody ever gave me a copy of the goddamn Gay Agenda.
"Why is it that fundies look at homosexuals who want equal rights, but see some form of conspiracy to make everyone homosexual?"
Projection, I suppose. They, afterall, wants to make everyone fundies.
Let's go a few millennia back in time. 2 will suffice. Around this time homosexuality was normal. Let's make a trip to ancient Greece.
Most (rich) men would "adopt" a young boy and have him as a lover. NOT just for sexual abuse if you want to claim so.
In return the boy was given an education, his family recieved money and on the day that it was normal for a man to marry the older man would help him look for a wife. And he would give the young man a sum of money.
Similar situations were present all over the globe. It wasn't before the christians showed up that it became some sort of diabolic scheme to overthrow society.
And let's visit the animal world. Some monkeys live in groups in which only the male leader gets to mate with the ladies. So what does he do to keep the rest of the guys happy? The guys get to hump him sometimes. Great example of homosexuality in the animal kingdom.
So don't go claiming that homosexuality is a "human" disease and unnatural or whatever you claim it to be. It is something that just happens. And as long as they don't try and fuck you, you shouldn't really be offended by them since they do you no harm.
And remember, everything is as god wills it. And obviously god wills it for gay people to exist.
Once again, for those of you in the back of the class.
They cannot give you "the gay"! They do not reproduce like pod people! When you kill all the gays currently on Earth, you will only be killing the extant generation! The true wellspring of all gay people on the planet is STRAIGHT PEOPLE!!
Elton John? Straight parents! Freddy Mercury? Straight, Islamic parents! Ellen deGeneres, Rosie O'Donnel, Andy Dick? All STRAIGHT PARENTS!
The only way you're ever gonna prevent gay people is to stop heteros from getting their grunt on, you toiletfob.
No human offspring has ever resulted from my heterosexual behavior either. Why should I and my husband have the right to adopt, but a childless homosexual couple should not?
On average about 10 percent of the human population is homosexual. There's no need to make efforts to "perpetuate homosexual behavior", idiot.
Most gays come from families with a mother and a father. Most gay parents have straight children.
"Such an environment" IS normal and acceptable, the "attempt" is obviously working.
I've not got any human offspring, which is good news for my homosexual behavior.
Indeed, homosexual behavior is not easy to perpetuate given that human society is required for it to exist. Therefore indoctrination is not a high priority. You might say that we deny children an environment in which they are comfortable. Their father and mother will likely compel them to keep away from practising homosexuals. They'll often attempt to teach children that such a deprived environment is normal but it simply is not acceptable.
No human offspring has ever resulted from any homosexual behavior.
You're apparently under the impression that no homosexual has ever had heterosexual sex that resulted in the birth of children.
A majority of homosexuals have had sex with the opposite gender at one point or another. Many people are bisexual to some degree. And many people who greatly prefer their own gender have had or still have a marriage or relationship with a person of the opposite sex in an effort to appear "normal," one often resulting in children.
You might consider asking former Idaho senator Larry Craig about that sometime, if you get the chance.
I was raised by a female mother and a male father, practicing heterosexuals apparently, as I have three siblings.
I still managed to learn that such an environment is normal and acceptable.
There is no specific homosexual behavior, stupid. They are as similar and as diverse as heterosexuals are.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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